Control and expose drop zones – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual
Page 200

Chapter 6
Create and manage projects
Fill Opaque: Select this checkbox to fill the drop zone background with a color when the drop
zone is scaled down or panned. If the Fill Opaque checkbox is not selected, the empty drop
zone area is transparent.
Fill Color: Use this color control to set a color when the Fill Opaque checkbox is selected.
Use Display Aspect Ratio: Select this checkbox to resize the drop zone according to selected
Display Aspect Ratio Snapshot (in the Snapshots pane of the Project Inspector). For
more information about display aspect ratios, see
Add multiple display aspect ratios to a
on page 435.
Clear: Use this button to clear the image from the drop zone, replacing it with a
downward-arrow graphic.
Control and expose drop zones
When constructing your template, you can disable drop zones so you don’t accidentally drop a
clip. Later, when using the template, you can turn drop zones back on.
Use the expose feature in Motion to reveal obscured drop zones in the Canvas. The expose
command shows an exploded view of valid drop zones in the Canvas.
Turn drop zones on and off
Choose View > Use Drop Zones.
A checkmark appears next to the menu item when drop zones are enabled (which means they
accept objects dragged to them). When no checkmark appears next to the menu item, drop
zones are disabled (which means they ignore objects dragged to them).
Expose all drop zones in a project
Use the Library or File Browser to locate an item to import into the project.
While holding down the Command key, drag the item onto the Canvas.
Objects in the Canvas shrink and separate in an exploded view so you can see them all. Moving
the pointer over an object reveals its Layers list name.
Note: You cannot Command-drag nonimage objects (shapes, Motion projects, particles, and so
on) to the Canvas.
Drop the object onto its target.
The object replaces its target, and the Canvas view returns to normal.
67% resize factor