Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 455

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Chapter 12



Delete all of an object’s keyframes in the Timeline


Control-click any keyframe for the object to clear, then choose Delete All Keyframes from the
shortcut menu.
For more control of effects using keyframes, you can use the Keyframe Editor. Any keyframe in
the Timeline can be viewed in the Keyframe Editor using the shortcut menu.
Note: Although you can delete keyframes in the Timeline, there is no way to add keyframes in
the Timeline.

Align a keyframe to a marker in the Timeline
In the Timeline, you can align a keyframe with other important timed events. For example, you
might want to align a filter keyframe applied to one object with the In or Out point of another
object, or a marker, or a keyframe in another track.


Turn on the Show Keyframes button and identify the keyframe to move.


Press the Shift key and drag the keyframe in the Timeline until it snaps to the marker.

In the following image, the keyframe snaps to the purple marker in the Timeline ruler.

67% resize factor