Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 1012

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Chapter 23



The audio file is added to the project and appears in the Audio Timeline, Audio list, mini-Timeline,
and Media list.

Add an audio file from iTunes


In the Library, select the Music category.


Select a playlist, then select a song in the file stack.


Do one of the following:

In the preview area, click Apply.

Drag the file to the Layers list, Canvas, Timeline, Audio Timeline, or Audio list.

Note: Rights-protected AAC files cannot be imported into Motion and do not appear in the file
stack. This includes non-iTunes Plus music purchased from the iTunes Store.

The audio file is added to the project and appears in the Audio Timeline, Audio list, mini-
Timeline, and Audio list. The start point of the audio file is determined by the Create Layers At
preference in the Project pane of Motion Preferences. If set to “Start of project,” the file is placed
at the beginning of the project. If set to “Current frame,” the file is placed at the current location
of the Timeline playhead. A HUD for the audio appears.

Note: If the HUD does not appear, press D or F7.

Add an audio file to a project for later use
You can also add an audio file to your project without having it appear in the composition. For
example, you might want to archive an audio file for later use. You do this by dragging the file
into the Media list.


Drag an audio file from the File Browser or the Finder into the Media list.

The audio file is added to the Media list, but not to the Audio Timeline or Audio layer. If you later
decide to add the file to the active composition, drag the audio layer from the Media list to the
Canvas, Timeline, or Audio Timeline.

Add only the audio track from a QuickTime movie
When you drag a QuickTime movie into the Canvas or the Layers list of the Project pane, the
movie’s video and audio tracks are imported into your project. You can choose to add only the
audio track of a QuickTime movie.


In the File Browser or in the Finder, locate the QuickTime movie file, then drag it into the Audio
list of the Project pane.
The audio track from the movie is added to your project, without the video footage. The video
footage is added to the Media list.

If the QuickTime movie contains multiple audio tracks, drag the file over the Audio list, the
Canvas, or the Timeline layer list, holding down the mouse button until the drop menu appears.
To import the file with a single audio track, choose Mix To Stereo. To import the file with
individual tracks, choose Import All Tracks. For more information, see

Add a multichannel audio


on page 1013.

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