Page 243

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Check item

Control unstable
* Overshoot
* Undershoot
* Hunting

(1) ON/OFF control is selected.

At factory shipment, the setting is PID control.

ON/OFF control is set in the bank 1.

(2) Proportional cycle is long, compared to

ascent/descent speed of temperature.

(3) PID constant is inappropriate.

(1) Change the control type from ON/OFF control

to PID control (self-tuning/auto-tuning) in the
setting mode of SET 4, item 6.

For self-tuning, turn on the power supplies for
this product and load side simultaneously or
for load side first.

(2) Set the proportional cycle shorter.

Controllability is better as the proportional
cycle is shorter, however, take into account life
of relays in case of the use of relay output.

(3) Change the PID constant.

1) Re-execute auto-tuning.
2) Manually set the PID constant.

No operation

(1) Control mode is set to READY.


The setting is “control stop” due to assignment
of the function key for “control start/stop.”

(1) Set the control mode to RUN in the setting

mode of SET 4, item 5. Currently, display
lamp is lighting as RDY, indicating the state of
control stop.

(2) Have the state of control start by a single

press of the FUNC key.

Key ineffective

(1) Key lock is set.

(1) Check the setting of key lock in the key

function setting mode of SET 3, item 6.

No event output is

(1) Setting of each item for event output is


(2) Event setting value is inappropriate.

(1) Check settings related to the event output.

1) Target connection setting

2) Event function 1 setting

3) Event function 2 setting

4) Event function 3 setting

5) Event function 4 setting

6) Event delay timer

7) Event polarity setting

(2) Check the event upper limit/lower limit value.

No loader

(1) Loader cable is not correctly connected.
(2) Dedicated loader software is not appropriately


(3) Communication port does not fit the personal

computer (PC).

(1) Check the loader cable connection.
(2) Re-install the dedicated loader software.

(3) Re-check the communication port on the PC

and re-set the communication port on the
software side.

Function key

(1) Key lock is set.

(2) A pressing time is set for the function key.

(1) Check the setting of key lock in the key

function setting mode of SET 3, item 6.

(2) Check the pressing time of the function key in

the function key function setting mode of SET
3, item 1.

No timer operation (1) Timer stop is set in the DI function.

(2) Target connection setting is inappropriate.

(1) Check the setting of DI, ON or OFF.
(2) Check that the target connection of the target

connection setting corresponds to timer.

No stop of event

(1) Hold function is set for the event function


(1) Check that the Hold function is set for each

event function setting.