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*1: Operating type setting (C/P)
Set “operating method.”
Setting range
Initial value: 0 in constant value run mode
0: Constant value run mode (program run mode OFF)
1: Program run mode (program run mode ON)
*2: Program rum mode setting (PGMd)
Set “return operating method” and “operation method after program run” in case of power failure
during a program run.
Setting range
Initial value: 0 Program 1 (without power failure compensation)
0: Program 1 (without power failure compensation)
1: Program 2 (without power failure compensation)
2: Program 1 (with power failure compensation)
3: Program 2 (with power failure compensation)
• Program 1: Control stops when a program run ends. When a run ends, ENd is displayed and
control stops.
• Program 2: Control remains active at a status of the last step even after a program run ends.
Control continues even though ENd is displayed after a run ends. Control becomes in a stop
status by manual operation (key operation) or DI entry.
Note The SET 4 control mode setting (Md) becomes inactive in program rum mode (C/P
1). Only
constant value rum mode is active.
Regarding power failure compensation
Upon return from a power failure with “With power failure compensation,” the run restarts from
the step being in progress at the time of the power failure.
“Current step,” “repetitive count” and “remaining time” are stored.
In case of power failure, the status returns to that last-stored in the step, and the run restarts
provided that the setting condition of the power failure compensation range setting (PoC) is met.
Note Note that time error is generated within a step even though a run restarts from the middle of a
program run if the return condition (power failure compensation range setting) is met.
Note The return conditions is that the difference of the PV values between at return and before return is
smaller than the power failure compensation range setting (PoC) as shown in the formula below:
Power failure compensation range setting (PoC)
(PV value at return)
(PV value
before return)
*3: Power failure compensation range setting (PoC)
Set the criteria range for the condition described above for return from a power failure.
Setting range
Initial value: 0
Temperature input (
C): 0 to 999 (0.0 to 999.9)
Always return at 0.
Analog input (digit): 0 to 9999
Always return at 0.
Note Upon return from a power failure, no return operation is performed in case of disconnected or
failed sensor regardless the (PoC) setting value. The run status is of program run in stoppage.