Distance bgp

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Command Reference Guide

BGP Configuration Command Set


Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN


distance bgp

Use the distance bgp command to set the administrative distance for BGP routes. Use the no form of this
command to return to the default setting.

Syntax Description

Sets the administrative distance for BGP routes learned via eBGP sessions. A
value of 255 means the route is not installed. Range: 1 to 254.

Sets the administrative distance for BGP routes learned via iBGP sessions. A
value of 255 means the route is not installed. Range: 1 to 254.

Sets the administrative distance for BGP routes learned via the network command
and redistribution. A value of 255 means the route is not installed.
Range: 1 to 254.

Default Values

By default external is set to 20, internal to 200, and local to 200. Normally, these default settings should not
be changed.

Applicable Platforms

This command applies to the NetVanta 300, 1000R, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 and Total Access 900
Series units.

Command History

Release 8.1

Command was introduced.

Functional Notes

This command sets the administrative distance for BGP routes. The administrative distance is a local
variable that allows a router to choose the best route when there are multiple paths to the same network.
Routes with smaller administrative distances are favored.

Usage Examples

The following example gives external BGP routes an administrative distance of 30, internal BGP routes an
administrative distance of 200, and local routes an administrative distance of 240:

(config)#router bgp 1
(config-bgp)#distance bgp 30 200 240