Setup, How to access the setup menus – Watlow CLS200 User Manual
Page 87

Doc.# 0600-3050-2000
Watlow Anafaze
The setup menus let you change detailed configuration in-
formation. This section describes how to set up the control-
ler from menus in the controller firmware. The following
information is included in this chapter:
Accessing the setup menus
Changing parameter settings
Description of controller parameters
If you have not set up a CLS200 series controller before, or
if you do not know what values to enter, please read Chap-
ter 8, Tuning and Control, which contains PID tuning con-
stants and useful starting values.
How to Access the Setup Menus
Use the three-key sequence to enter the setup menus:
Select the single loop display for the loop you wish to
ENTER then ALARM ACK then CHNG SP to access
the setup menus. Do not press these keys at the same
time; press them one at a time.
The first setup menu appears.
To prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing setup
parameters, the controller reverts to the single loop display
if you do not press any keys for three minutes.