Linear scaling examples, Example 1: a 4-to-20 ma sensor, Situation – Watlow CLS200 User Manual

Page 205: Setup

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Doc.# 0600-3050-2000

Watlow Anafaze



Linear Scaling Examples

This chapter provides three linear scaling examples. The
examples describe:

A pressure sensor generating a 4 to 20 mA signal

A flow sensor generating a 0 to 5V signal

A pulse encoder generating 900 pulses per inch of

Example 1: A 4-to-20 mA Sensor


A pressure sensor that generates a 4 to 20 mA signal is con-
nected to the controller. The specifications of the sensor
state it generates 4 mA at 0.0 pounds per square inch (PSI)
and 20 mA at 50.0 PSI.


The sensor is connected to a loop input set up with a resis-
tor scaling network producing 60mV at 20 mA.

The INPUT TYPE for the loop is set to LINEAR. The sensor
measures PSI in tenths, so the DISP FORMAT is set to
-999.9 TO +3000.0.