Watlow CLS200, MLS300 and CAS200 User Manual
Watlow Sensors
CLS200, MLS300,
and CAS200
Watlow Anafaze
Repairs and Returns:
1241 Bundy Blvd.
Winona, MN 55987
Customer Service:
Technical Support:
Part No. 0600-1015-5100. Revision 3.0
November 2003
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Title
- Contents
- Overview
- Chapter 1: ANAFAZE/AB Protocol
- Chapter 2: Modbus-RTU Protocol
- Overview
- Transactions on Modbus-RTU Networks
- The Query-Response Cycle
- Serial Transmission
- Message Framing
- CRC Error Checking
- Function Codes
- x01 Read Coil Status
- x02 Read Input Status
- x03 Read Holding Registers
- x04 Read Input Registers
- x05 Force Single Coil
- x06 Preset Single Register
- x08 Diagnostics
- Diagnostic Subfunctions
- x00 Return Query Data
- x01 Restart Communications Option
- x02 Return Diagnostic Register
- x04 Force Listen Only Mode
- x0A Clear Counters
- x0B Return Bus Message Count
- x0C Return Bus Communication Error Count
- x0D Return Bus Exception Error Count
- x0E Return Slave Message Count
- x0F Return Slave No Response Count
- x0F Force Multiple Coils
- x10 Preset Multiple registers
- Writing Data
- Reading Data
- Examples
- Modbus-RTU Data Table Summary
- Overview
- Chapter 3: Controller Parameter Descriptions
- Correlating Menu Items with Parameters
- Parameters (by number)
- Proportional Band/Gain (0)
- Derivative Term (1)
- Integral Term (2)
- Input Type (3)
- Output Type (4)
- Setpoint (5)
- Process Variable (6)
- Output Filter (7)
- Output Value (8)
- High Process Alarm Setpoint (9)
- Low Process Alarm Setpoint (10)
- Deviation Alarm Band Value (11)
- Alarm Deadband (12)
- Alarm_Status (13)
- Ambient Sensor Readings (15)
- Pulse Sample Time (16)
- High Process Variable (17)
- Low Process Variable (18)
- Precision (19)
- Cycle Time (20)
- Zero Calibration (21)
- Full Scale Calibration (22)
- Digital Inputs (25)
- Digital Outputs (26)
- Override Digital Input (28)
- Override Polarity (29)
- System Status (30)
- System Command Register (31)
- Data Changed Register (32)
- Input Units (33)
- EPROM Version Code (34)
- Options Register (35)
- Process Power Digital Input (36)
- High Reading (37)
- Low Reading (38)
- Heat/Cool Spread (39)
- Startup Alarm Delay (40)
- High Process Alarm Output Number (41)
- Low Process Alarm Output Number (42)
- High Deviation Alarm Output Number (43)
- Low Deviation Alarm Output Number (44)
- Channel Profile and Status (46)
- Current Segment (47)
- Segment Time Remaining (48)
- Current Cycle Number (49)
- Tolerance Alarm Time (50)
- Last Segment (51)
- Number of Cycles (52)
- Ready Setpoint (53)
- Ready Event States (54)
- Segment Setpoint (55)
- Triggers and Trigger States (56)
- Segment Events and Event States (57)
- Segment Time (58)
- Tolerance (59)
- Ramp/Soak Flags (60)
- Output Limit (61)
- Output Limit Time (62)
- Alarm_Control (63)
- Alarm_Acknowledge (64)
- Alarm_Mask (65)
- Alarm_Enable (66)
- Output Override Percentage (67)
- AIM Fail Output (68)
- Output Linearity Curve (69)
- SDAC Mode (70)
- SDAC Low Value (71)
- SDAC High Value (72)
- Save Setup to Job (73)
- Input Filter (74)
- Loop Alarm Delay (75)
- Loop Names (77)
- T/C Failure Detection Flags (78)
- Channel Name (78)
- Restore PID Digital Input (79)
- Manufacturing Test (80)
- PV Retransmit Primary Loop Number (81)
- PV Retransmit Maximum Input (82)
- PV Retransmit Maximum Output (83)
- PV Retransmit Minimum Input (84)
- PV Retransmit Minimum Output (85)
- Cascade Primary Loop Number (86)
- Cascade Base Setpoint (87)
- Cascade Minimum Setpoint (88)
- Cascade Maximum Setpoint (89)
- Cascade Heat/Cool Span (90)
- Ratio Control Master Loop Number (91)
- Ratio Control Minimum Setpoint (92)
- Ratio Control Maximum Setpoint (93)
- Ratio Control Control Ratio (94)
- Ratio Control Setpoint Differential (95)
- Loop Status (96)
- Output Type/Disable (97)
- Output Reverse/Direct (98)
- Controller Type (99)
- Ramp/Soak Profile Number (100)
- Controller Address (101)
- Baud Rate (102)
- Ready Events (103)
- Appendix A: Communications Driver
- Glossary