Features – Watlow CLS200 User Manual
Page 150

Chapter 7: Ramp/Soak
CLS200 Series User’s Guide
Watlow Anafaze
Doc.# 0600-3050-2000
Ramp/soak in the CLS200 includes the following features:
Ready segment sets loop up for profile: Ready
segment can control at setpoint until profile needs to
run. Ready segment events set all available event out-
puts to desired states before profile starts.
Up to 20 segments per profile: The controller can
store up to 17 profiles, each with up to 20 segments.
Multiple profiles run independently: Each loop
can run a different profile or the same profile can be
run independently on more than one loop.
Up to two triggers per segment: Triggers are digi-
tal inputs that can be programmed to start and hold
segments based on the trigger’s digital state. You can
use any one of the eight digital inputs for triggers. You
can also use the same trigger for more than one seg-
ment or more than one profile.
Up to four events per segment: Digital outputs con-
trolled by the ramp/soak profile. Events outputs are
set at the end of a segment. You can use any of the dig-
ital outputs that are not used for control or for the Se-
rial DAC clock.
Tolerance hold ensures time at temperature: Set
a limit on how far the process variable can vary above
or below setpoint. The profile clock only runs when the
process variable is within the limit.
Tolerance alarm indicates process not tracking
setpoint: Set a maximum amount of time for the tol-
erance hold to wait for a process deviation before noti-
fying the operator. The operator can acknowledge the
alarm and proceed if desired.
User-configurable time base: Program profiles to
run for hours and minutes or for minutes and seconds.
Repeatable profiles: Set any profile to repeat from 1
to 99 times or continuously.
Fast setup for similar profiles: Set up one profile,
then copy it and alter it to set up the rest.
External reset: Select a digital input you can use to
hold a profile in the “start” state and restart it.
Table 7.1 summarizes the ramp/soak features of the