Watlow CLS200 User Manual
Page 235

CLS200 Series User’s Guide
Doc.# 0600-3050-2000
Watlow Anafaze
temperature coefficient.
Reverse Action
An output control action in which an increase
in the process variable causes a decrease in the
output. Heating applications usually use
reverse action.
See Resistance Temperature Detector.
Serial Communications
A method of transmitting information between
devices by sending all bits serially over a sin-
gle communication channel.
An Electronics Industries of
America (EIA) standard for interface between
data terminal equipment and data communi-
cations equipment for serial binary data inter-
change. This is usually for communications
over a short distance (50 feet [15 m] or less)
and to a single device.
An Electronics Industries of
America (EIA) standard for electrical charac-
teristics of generators and receivers for use in
balanced digital multipoint systems. This is
usually used to communicate with multiple
devices over a common cable or where dis-
tances over 50 feet (15 m) are required.
Setpoint (SP)
The desired value programmed into a control-
ler. For example, the temperature at which a
system is to be maintained.
A metallic foil or braided wire layer surround-
ing conductors that is designed to prevent elec-
trostatic or electromagnetic interference from
external sources.
Any electrical transmittance that conveys
Solid State Relay (SSR)
See Relay, Solid State.
The difference between the lower and upper
limits of a range expressed in the same units
as the range.
In heat/cool applications, the +/- difference
between heat and cool. Also known as process
deadband. See also Deadband.
The ability of a device to maintain a constant
output with the application of a constant
T/C Extension Wire
A grade of wire used between the measuring
junction and the reference junction of a ther-
mocouple. Extension wire and thermocouple
wire have similar properties, but extension
wire is less costly.
TD (Timed Derivative)
The derivative function.
A temperature-sensing device made of semi-
conductor material that exhibits a large
change in resistance for a small change in tem-
perature. Thermistors usually have negative
temperature coefficients, although they are
also available with positive temperature coeffi-
Thermocouple (T/C)
A temperature sensing device made by joining
two dissimilar metals. This junction produces
an electrical voltage in proportion to the differ-
ence in temperature between the hot junction
(sensing junction) and the lead wire connection
to the instrument (cold junction).
TI (Timed Integral)
The Integral term.
A device that transmits temperature data from
either a thermocouple or RTD by way of a two-
wire loop. The loop has an external power sup-
ply. The transmitter acts as a variable resistor
with respect to its input signal. Transmitters
are desirable when long lead or extension
wires produce unacceptable signal degrada-