Extron Electronics SME 100 User Guide User Manual

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SME 100 • Contents




............................................................ 1

About this Guide ................................................. 1
About the SME 100 ............................................ 1

Licensed Third-party Software Used in the

SME 100 ....................................................... 2

Suggested PC Requirements .......................... 3

Features ............................................................. 4
Definitions ........................................................... 7

Panels and Cabling

............................................ 11

Front Panel Features ......................................... 11
Rear Panel Features ......................................... 12

Resetting the SME 100

Using the Rear Panel ................................... 15

Hardware Setup Overview ................................ 17
SME 100 Power Up Procedure ......................... 18

SME 100 Network Configuration

.................... 19

Network Settings Configuration ........................ 19
SME 100 IP Addressing for Multiple Installations 19
Protocols Used for Streaming ........................... 20

Multicast Streaming Method —

An Overview ................................................ 20

Multiple SME 100 Devices Using Multicast

Streaming .................................................... 21

Unicast Streaming Method —

An Overview ................................................ 21

Front Panel Operation

....................................... 22

Overview of the Menus on the LCD Display ...... 22
Accessing the Menus on the LCD Display ........ 23
Presets Menu ................................................... 23

User Presets ................................................. 24
Encode Presets ............................................ 25
Streaming Presets ........................................ 26

Input Config Menu ............................................ 26

Available Input Video Signal Types ................ 30
Selecting and Configuring an Input ............... 30

Picture Control Menu ........................................ 31
Encoder Config Menu ....................................... 33
Stream Config Menu ......................................... 35

Advanced Config Menu .................................... 36

About the Auto Memory Submenu................ 38
About the Auto Image Submenu ................... 40
About the Aspect Ratio Submenu ................. 41
About the Test Pattern Submenu .................. 41

Comm Settings Menu ....................................... 43

View Comm Settings .................................... 43
Edit Comm Settings Menu (Hidden) .............. 43

Using the Front Panel Lock

(Executive Mode) ............................................. 45

Web-based User Interface Operation

........... 46

Overview of the Web-based User Interface ....... 46
SME 100 Media Players ................................... 47
Accessing the Web-based User Interface ......... 47
Live View Page ................................................. 48

Live View Page Notifications ......................... 50

Installing Media Players..................................... 51

Streaming Media Player (SMP) Web Browser

Plugin ......................................................... 51

Installing SMP From the SME 100 ................ 52
Installing SMP from the Website ................... 56
Installing VLC Media Player Stored on the

SME 100 (FW 1.0 Only) ............................... 57

Installing VLC Media Player Using the File

Management Page ...................................... 62

Installing QuickTime Media Player ................. 63

Displayed Video Image Adjustments ................. 64

Using the Graphics Card Software ................ 64
Using VLC .................................................... 64
Using QuickTime Media Player ..................... 66

Status Page ...................................................... 67
Configuration Page ........................................... 69
File Management Page ..................................... 69

Browsing Directories and Files ...................... 71
Adding Directories ........................................ 71
Uploading Files ............................................. 72
Saving Files .................................................. 72
Managing Files Using FTP............................. 73