Extron Electronics SME 100 User Guide User Manual

Page 136

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EDID resolution

4 = Custom 1 (analog)
5 = Custom 2 (analog)
6 = Custom 3 (analog)
7 = Custom 4 (digital)
8 = Custom 5 (digital)
9 = Custom 6 (digital)
10 = 640 x 480
11 = 800 x 600
12 = 852 x 480
13 = 1024 x 768 (default)
14 = 1280 x 768
15 = 1280 x 800
16 = 1280 x 1024
17 = 1360 x 765
18 = 1360 x 768
19 = 1365 x 768
20 = 1366 x 768
21 = 1440 x 900
22 = 1400 x 1050
23 = 1680 x 1050
24 = 1600 x 1200
25 = 1920 x 1200
30 = 480p
31 = 576p
32 = 720p
33 = 1080i
34 = 1080p



Maximum stream bit rate (kbps): 5000 through 99000 (default = 80000)



Time to live (hops): 1 through 255 (default = 10)



Overscan: Applied only to SMPTE (NTSC/PAL – 1080p 50/60 Hz) input


0 = 0.0% (default for RGB, DVI)
1 = 2.5% (default for YUVp / HDTV)
2 = 5.0% (default for CV, S-video, YUVi, RGBcvS)



Specific port number: 01 through 99 (00 = reserved)



Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset value: -12:00 to 14:00

Represents hours and minutes (HH:MM) offset from GMT.



Unit name (text string up to 24 characters)

Use the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), and the minus sign / hyphen (-).
No blank characters can be used in the name.
No distinction is made between an upper case or lower case character.
The first character must be an alpha character.
The last character cannot be a minus sign / hyphen.



Set / view local time and date (use the 24-hour clock)

Format to set: MM / DD / YY - HH : MM : SS

06 / 14 / 11

13 : 40 : 03

Format to view: day of week, DD MMM YYYY HH : MM : SS

Tue, 14 Jun 2011 13 : 40 : 03

SME 100 • Remote Communication and Control