Update information no. 12 – HEIDENHAIN TNC 306 Technical Manual User Manual
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TNC406/TNC 306
Update Information No. 12
Software version 6 for the TNC 406 was released at the beginning of December 1997.
The new software version introduces the following new features:
• Change in MP1700
The PLC cycle time is now fixed at 40 ms.
The position loop cycle, 2 or 4 ms, remains definable with MP 1700:
0 = 4 ms --> machine with normal acceleration
1 = reserved (same as 0)
2 = 2 ms --> Machine with high acceleration >1 m/s*s
• PLC utilization, new marker M2188
The PLC utilization for 100% is fixed, as before, to 5 ms.
The maximum possible utilization was increased from 200 to 240%.
If you exceed the utilization by 240%, which corresponds to a PLC program run time of
12 ms, the control goes into the blinking error condition ”ERROR IN PLC PROGRAM 53.”
If you exceed the utilization by 230% the new PLC marker M2188 is set as warning. If the
utilization falls below 230% the marker is reset.
• New machine parameters MP710 and MP 711
MP710 backlash compensation for 4th axis; Input -1.000 to +1.000 mm
MP711 backlash compensation for 5th axis; Input -1.000 to +1.000 mm
(With this amount of play, effective gap control is no longer possible).
• Datum tables / Position tables
More than one position table ”xxxxxxxx.D” can now be defined.
MP10 defines whether a table is generated with 4 or 5 axes.
The block CYCL DEF 7.2 NAME has been added to Cycle 7. This makes it possible to select the
desired position table. If you want only a table definition without a shift, you must program a
”#0” as datum number.
If NAME is not programmed, the control accesses the table ”0.D”. If the selected table is
missing, an error message appears.
If a CYCL 7.2 NAME was executed, all further access refers only to this table (M38, M39).
A selected table is displayed in the status window.
• Changes in MP410
MP410 defines the identifier of the 4th axis.
A linear axis can also be defined as 4th axis.
Input values:
0/1/2/3/4/5 = A/B/C/U/V/W
A/B/C = angular axes
U/V/W = linear axis
MP410 (4th axis) and MP411 (5th axis) must have different values. For machines with angular
axis and secondary linear axis, the angular axis must be programmed as 4th axis and the linear
axis as 5th axis.
• Machine parameter MP2130 has been removed
In order to avoid exceeding permissible machine accelerations resulting from gap control signals,
the acceleration of the input signal (gap value) has been limited to the lowest acceleration of the
axes involved. Machine parameter MP2130 is therefore obsolete and has been removed.