Read machine parameter (module 9032), Number conversion binary to ascii (module 9051) – HEIDENHAIN TNC 306 Technical Manual User Manual

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TNC 416/TNC 406/TNC 306

PLC Modules for TNC 416/406



Read Machine Parameter (Module 9032)

Reads the value of a machine parameter that is defined by its number and index from the editable
machine parameter list.

- The value of the machine parameter is returned as an integer, with the decimal point being shifted

by the number of possible places after the decimal. Example MP910.0 = 100.12 mm is read as
1001200 (four places after the decimal lead to a multiplication by 10000).

- Only the value from the editable machine parameter list is read, not any value in the run-time


- Zero must be given as the index for non-indexed machine parameters.

Possible errors:
- The machine parameter specified by the MP number and index does not exist.
- The module was not called from a Submit Job.










1: No such MP number
2: No separator
3: MP value out of range
4: MP not in file
5: No MP file found
6: Call was not from SUBMIT Job

Error status after call: M3171 =

0: MP was read
1: Error condition see above


Number Conversion binary to ASCII (Module 9051)

Converts a binary numerical value to an ASCII-coded decimal number in the format specified.

The specified number is converted to a decimal number and stored as a string in the specified
The number is notated as a two's complement. When notated without a sign the absolute amount
of the number is converted without a sign being put before the string. With the signed notation a
sign ("+" or "-") is placed before the string in any event.
With the inch notation the numerical value is divided by 25.4 before being converted. If the number
has more decimal places than the total of specified places before and after the decimal point, then
the highest-value decimal places are omitted. With right-justified notation leading zeroes before the
decimal point are replaced by blanks, with left-justified notation they are suppressed. Trailing zeroes
after the decimal point are always converted.

- The decimal sign is defined by machine parameter MP7280 as a decimal comma (MP7280 = 0) or

a decimal point (MP7280 = 1).

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