Copy between after effects and adobe premiere pro – Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 User Manual

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work in Photoshop. Similarly, if you are applying several paint strokes by hand to get rid of dust, consider using the Photoshop paint tools.

The animation and video features in Photoshop Extended include simple keyframe-based animation. Premiere Pro, however, provides quite a bit
more keyframe control over various properties.

Exchanging still images

Premiere Pro can import and export still images in many formats. For greatest versatility, however, use the native Photoshop PSD format when
transferring individual frames or still image sequences from Photoshop to Premiere Pro.

When you import a PSD file into Premiere Pro, you can choose whether to import it as a flattened image, or with its layers separate and intact.

It is often a good idea to prepare a still image in Photoshop before importing it into Premiere Pro. Examples of such preparation include correcting
color, scaling, and cropping. It is often better to change a source image in Photoshop than to have Premiere Pro perform the same operation many
times per second as it renders each frame for previews or final output.

In Photoshop, you can create a PSD document that is set up correctly for a specific video output type. From the New File dialog box, select a Film
& Video preset. In Premiere Pro, you can create a PSD document that matches your composition and sequence settings. Choose File > New >
Photoshop File.

Exchanging movies

In Premiere Pro CS5.5 and earlier, you can exchange video files, such as QuickTime movies, between Photoshop and Premiere Pro. When you
open a movie in Photoshop, a video layer is created that refers to the source footage file. Video layers allow you to paint nondestructively on the
movie’s frames. When you save a PSD file with a video layer, Photoshop saves the edits that you made to the video layer. Photoshop does not
save edits made to the source footage itself.

In Premiere Pro CS6, you can no longer exchange PSD video files with Photoshop, however, you can render a movie directly from Photoshop and
then import it back into Premiere Pro. For example, you can create a QuickTime movie from Photoshop that can then be imported into Premiere


Premiere Pro works internally with colors in an RGB (red, green, blue) color space. If you want to edit video clips you create in Photoshop in
Premiere Pro, create the clips in RGB.

If you want to broadcast the final movie it is best to ensure, in Photoshop, that the colors in your image are broadcast-safe. Assign the appropriate
destination color space—for example, SDTV (Rec. 601)—to the document in Photoshop.

Create and edit Photoshop files

You can create a still Photoshop file that automatically inherits the pixel and frame aspect ratio settings of your Premiere Pro project. You can also
edit any still image file in a Premiere Pro project in Photoshop.

Create a Photoshop file in a project

Choose File > New > Photoshop File.

Photoshop opens with a new blank still image. The pixel dimensions match the project’s video frame size, and image guides show the title-safe
and action-safe areas for the project.

Edit a still image file in Photoshop

From within a project, you can open an image file in most formats that Adobe Photoshop supports. Premiere Pro does not import files in CMYK or
LAB color formats.

1. Select a still-image clip in either the Project panel or Timeline panel.

2. Choose Edit > Edit In Adobe Photoshop.

The file opens in Photoshop. When you save the file, changes are available in the Premiere Pro project.

Copy between After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro

From the After Effects Timeline panel, you can copy layers based on audio or video footage items (including solids) and paste them into the
Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline panel.

From the Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline panel, you can copy assets (any items in a track) and paste them into the After Effects Timeline

From either After Effects or Adobe Premiere Pro, you can copy and paste footage items to the other’s Project panel.

Note: You can’t, however, paste footage items from the After Effects Project panel into the Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline panel.

If you want to work with all clips or a single sequence from an Adobe Premiere Pro project, use the Import command instead to import the project
into After Effects.

Use Adobe Dynamic Link to create dynamic links, without rendering, between new or existing compositions in After Effects and Adobe Premiere
Pro. (See About Dynamic Link.)


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