Move the current-time indicator to a keyframe – Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 User Manual
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4. (Optional) Use the Zoom In control to magnify the clip so that the effect menu appears at the top of the track. You can also drag the
boundaries above and below the track name to increase the track height.
Dragging to increase the height of a track
5. (Optional) Drag the boundaries of a track header to change the height of a track. For a video track, drag the top of the track. For an audio
track, drag the bottom of the track. To resize all expanded tracks, hold down the Shift key while dragging.
6. (Optional) If you chose Show Keyframes, Show Clip Keyframes, or Show Track Keyframes in steps 2 and 3, click the effect menu. Then
choose the effect that contains keyframes.
Choosing from the effects menu
7. Place the pointer directly over a keyframe to view its property in a tool tip.
The tool tip displays the keyframe location, as well as the property and options you set for it in the Effect Controls panel. Use this information for
making precise keyframe placements. You can quickly note the value you’ve set for a keyframe. You can also quickly compare the location and
change in value of two or more keyframes.
Set keyframe display for a Timeline panel
You can specify the types of keyframes shown in the tracks of the Timeline. You can also specify whether keyframes are shown at all, by default.
For example, you can choose to have keyframes hidden by default, so that you cannot set or change them accidentally when trying to edit a clip.
1. Select Edit > Preferences > > General (Windows), or Premiere Pro > Preferences > General (Mac OS).
2. Click the triangle in the New Timeline Audio Tracks field to open the menu, and select one of the options.
3. Click the triangle in the New Timeline Video Tracks field to open the menu, and select one of the options.
Move the current-time indicator to a keyframe
Both the Effect Controls and a Timeline panels have keyframe navigators, which have left and right arrows to move the current-time indicator from
one keyframe to the next. In a Timeline panel, the keyframe navigator is enabled after you activate keyframes for an effect property.
Do any of the following:
In the Timeline or Effect Controls panel, click a keyframe navigator arrow. The left-pointing arrow moves the current-time indicator to the
previous keyframe. The right-pointing arrow moves the current-time indicator to the next keyframe.
(Effect Controls panel only) Shift-drag the current-time indicator to snap to a keyframe.