Appearance preferences, Audio preferences, Audio hardware preferences – Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 User Manual

Page 73: Audio output mapping preferences, Change the auto save settings

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Bin behavior when double-clicking on a bin, or double-clicking with the Shift or Option keys can be controlled in the Bins preference.

In Premiere Pro CS6, you can choose to show the match sequence settings to clip dialog.

Appearance preferences

In the Appearance pane of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the overall brightness of the user interface.

Audio Preferences

Automatch Time The Automatch Time preference specifies the time, in the Audio Mixer, for any control that has been adjusted to return to its
previous setting. Affected controls are Volume, Pan, Effect and Send parameter knobs in Audio, Submix and (except sends) Master track.
Automatch Time preference affects properties in Touch mode, and in Read mode for effects with keyframes.

5.1 Mixdown Type Specifies how Premiere Pro mixes source channels to 5.1 audio tracks.

Play Audio While Scrubbing Enables audio scrubbing. In Premiere Pro CS6, you can create a keyboard shortcut called “Toggle Audio During
Scrubbing” to toggle audio scrubbing on or off while scrubbing. Using a keyboard shortcut is preferable to returning to the Preferences dialog box
each time you want to turn audio scrubbing on or off.

Mute Input During Timeline Recording Check this box to prevent monitoring of the audio inputs while recording the timeline.

Default Track Format Defines the type of track in which the clip audio channels are presented when a clip is added to a sequence—Mono,
Stereo, Mono As Stereo, or 5.1.

Mono Maps the source audio channels so that they’re placed on separate mono audio tracks. For example, when you select Mono from
the Default Track Format menu, Premiere Pro maps each source channel to a separate mono track on capture or import. If you capture
from a stereo source with this setting, Premiere Pro maps each of the source channels to a separate monaural track. You can apply the
Mono track format to clips containing any number of audio channels. Importing a file containing 5.1 channels maps them to six audio
tracks. When you add the clip to the sequence, the clips on the separate mono tracks remain linked together.

Stereo Maps the source audio channels so that paired channels are placed on stereo audio tracks. You can apply the Stereo track format
to clips containing any number of audio channels. If the clip doesn’t contain an even number of channels, a silent channel is created. The
silent channel is paired with the unpaired channel when the clip is added to a sequence.

Mono As Stereo Maps the source audio channels so each is placed on a stereo audio track. Premiere Pro duplicates the audio from
each mono source channel and places it in the left and right channels of a stereo track. You can apply the Mono As Stereo format to clips
containing any number of audio channels.

5.1 Maps the source audio channels so that one or more groups of six channels are placed into separate 5.1 surround audio tracks. If the
number of source channels is not a multiple of six, Premiere Pro creates a 5.1 surround audio track with silence on one or more

Linear Keyframe Thinning Creates keyframes only at points that don’t have a linear relationship to the start and end keyframes. For example,
suppose you are automating a fade from 0 dB to –12 dB. With this option selected, Premiere Pro creates keyframes only at the points that
represent an increase in value from the beginning (0 dB) and ending (–12 dB) keyframes. If you don’t select this option, Premiere Pro may create
several incremental keyframes of identical values between those two points, depending on the speed at which you change the value. This option is
selected by default.

Minimum Time Interval Thinning Creates keyframes only at intervals larger than the value you specify. Enter a value between 1 and 2000

Audio Hardware preferences

In the Audio Hardware pane of the Preferences dialog box, you specify the computer audio device and settings, including the ASIO settings
(Windows only), or buffer size setting (Mac OS only) that Premiere Pro uses for recording audio.

Audio Output Mapping preferences

In the Audio Output Mapping pane of the Preferences dialog box, you specify the target speaker in your computer sound system for each
supported audio channel.

Note: Adobe Audition users will need to use Audio Output Mapping preferences to that 5.1 clips will output Ls, Rs, C, and LFE channels in the
same order as Audition.

Change the Auto Save settings

By default, Premiere Pro automatically saves your project every 20 minutes and retains the last five versions of the project file on the hard disk.
You can revert to a previously saved version at any time. Archiving many iterations of a project consumes relatively little disk space because
project files are much smaller than source video files. It’s best to save project files to the same drive as your application. Archived files are saved
in the Premiere Pro Auto-Save folder.


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