Find assets matching criteria, Finding clips with face detection – Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 User Manual

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Searches only the Speech To Text metadata field.

2. Do one of the following:

Place the cursor in the Find box in the Project panel.

Select the Project panel, and press Shift+F.

3. (Optional) Click the magnifying glass icon in the Find box to see a menu listing the most recently searched terms.

4. Type the term for which you want to search.

The Project panel shows only assets that match the search criteria. The magnifying glass menu suggests search terms. The suggestions
include any misspellings present in clip metadata. This feature allows you to find errors and correct them.

The menu updates dynamically as you type each new letter.

When you open a bin while a search term is in the Find box, Premiere Pro copies this search term into the new Find box. The filtering
persists for the opened bin.

5. (Optional) Click a suggestion to initiate a search for that term.

6. Click the Close icon to end the search and show all assets.

Find assets matching criteria

For more detailed searches, you can locate any assets in your project that meet criteria you specify. For example, you can search for a video clip
that has a certain word in its Name column and a phrase in its Comment column.

1. Do one of the following:

Click the Find icon at the bottom of the Project panel.

Select the Project panel, and press Ctrl + F (Windows), or Command + F (Mac OS).

2. In the Find dialog box, select the name of the columns to search from the menus under Column.

3. Select the appropriate operators from the menus under Operator.

4. Type in the characters you want to find in the specified columns in their respective Find What fields.

5. If you’re searching for two criteria simultaneously, do one of the following:

To find assets that match both criteria, select All from the Match menu.

To find assets that match either criteria, select Any from the Match menu.

6. Click Find.

Finding clips with Face Detection

You can find clips containing faces if you first use Face Detection to identify them.

Identify clips containing faces

Identify clips that contain faces, so that you can later filter the Project panel for clips containing faces.

Content analysis works on all supported media types, including still images. In Premiere Pro CS5.5 and later, face detection is enabled for

merged clips if at least one of the component clips contains video.

1. To select one or more clips for face detection, do one of the following:

Select a clip in the Project panel. Choose Clip > Analyze Content.

In the Project panel, right-click a selected clip and choose Analyze Content.

The Analyze Content dialog box appears.

2. Check Face Detection. Choose from High, Medium, or Low quality (High gives the best results, while Low is fastest), and then click OK.

Adobe Media Encoder opens with the selected clips in its encoding queue, and analyzes the selected clips. A green checkmark appears in
the Status column for each clip that has been analyzed.

3. Close the Adobe Media Encoder window.

Find clips containing faces

You can filter the Project panel to show only clips containing faces. First identify the clips that contain faces using Face Detection.

1. Do one of the following:


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