Rgb parade – Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 User Manual
Page 184
The Intensity control adjusts the brightness of the waveforms. It does not affect the video output signal.
Note: Cb and Cr are the color difference channels in a digital video signal. Cb is blue minus luma and Cr is red minus luma. Y represents luma.
YCbCr Parade scope
A. Values B. Y (luminance) waveform C. Cb waveform D. Cr waveform E. Range of signal components
RGB Parade
The RGB Parade scope displays waveforms representing the levels of the red, green, and blue channels in a clip. The waveforms appear in a
graph one after another, in parade fashion. This scope is useful for viewing the distribution of the color components in a clip. The levels of each
color channel are measured proportionately to each other using a scale of 0 to 100.
The Intensity control adjusts the brightness of the waveforms. It doesn’t affect the video output signal.
RGB Parade scope
A. Values B. R waveform C. G waveform D. B waveform E. Range of signal components
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