Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 User Manual
Page 267
Dragging the work area markers to expand the work area
Position the playhead, and press Alt+[ (Windows) or Option+[ (Mac OS) to set the beginning of the work area.
Position the playhead, and press Alt+] (Windows) or Option+] (Mac OS) to set the end of the work area.
Double-click the work area bar to resize it to either the width of the time ruler, or the length of the entire sequence, whichever is shorter. To
define the whole sequence as the work area, the whole sequence must be visible in the Timeline panel.
In Premiere Pro CS6, when setting the work area bar to define an area for rendering, corresponding options appear in the Sequence menu:
Render Effects in Work Area, and Render Entire Work Area. A command for Delete Work Area Render Files is also available. These options
will not appear in the Sequence menu if the work area bar is not enabled.
Note: Position the pointer over the work area bar to display a tool tip that shows the work area bar’s start timecode, end timecode, and duration.
Define the area for rendering using In and Out points (CS6)
In Premiere Pro CS6, you can mark In and Out points to define an area for rendering:
Mark In and Out points for the area of the sequence that you plan to render.
When marking In and Out points to define an area for rendering, corresponding options appear in the Sequence menu: Render Effects In to
Out, and Render In to Out. A command for Delete Render Files In to Out is also available. These options will not appear in the Sequence
menu if the work area bar is enabled.
Render a preview file for a section of a sequence (CS5.5 and earlier)
You can render any part of a sequence that falls under a red render bar. In Premiere Pro CS5.5, and earlier, use the work area bar to set the
section of the sequence you want to render.
Render a preview file for a section of a sequence using the work area bar:
1. Set the work area bar over the area you want to preview.
2. Choose Sequence, and select one of the following:
Render Effects In Work Area Renders the sections of the video tracks lying within the work area containing a red render bar. Alternatively,
press Enter.
Render Entire Work Area Renders the sections of the video tracks lying within the work area containing either a red render bar or a yellow
render bar.
Render Audio Renders a preview file for the sections of the audio tracks lying within the work area.
Note: You can set Premiere Pro to render the audio tracks whenever you render the video tracks. For more information, see Render audio
when rendering video.
The rendering time depends on your system resources and the complexity of the segment.
In Premiere Pro CS6, these options are not available unless the work area bar is enabled in the Timeline panel menu.
To maximize the quality of motion in rendered preview files, check the Maximum Render Quality option in Sequence Settings. For more
information, see General settings (CS5) - Settings (CS5.5 and later).
Render a preview file for a section of a sequence (CS6)
You can render any part of a sequence that falls under a red render bar. In Premiere Pro CS5.5, and earlier, use the work area bar to set the
section of the sequence you want to render. In Premiere Pro CS6, you can also define a section of the sequence you want to render by setting In
and Out points.