Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 User Manual

Page 398

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How To Make Color Safe How to reduce signal amplitude:

Reduce Luminance Reduces a pixel’s brightness by moving it toward black. This setting is the default.

Reduce Saturation Moves the pixel’s color toward a gray of similar brightness, making the pixel less colorful. For the same IRE level,
reducing saturation alters the image more noticeably than does reducing luminance.

Maximum Signal Amplitude (IRE) The maximum amplitude of the signal in IRE units. A pixel with a magnitude above this value is altered. The
default is 110. Lower values affect the image more noticeably; higher values are more risky.

Change Color effect

The Change Color effect adjusts the hue, lightness, and saturation of a range of colors.

View Corrected Layer shows the results of the Change Color effect. Color Correction Mask shows the areas of the layer that will be changed.
White areas in the color correction mask are changed the most, and dark areas are changed the least.

Hue Transform The amount, in degrees, to adjust hue.

Lightness Transform Positive values brighten the matched pixels; negative values darken them.

Saturation Transform Positive values increase saturation of matched pixels (moving toward pure color); negative values decrease saturation of
matched pixels (moving toward gray).

Color To Change The central color in the range to be changed.

Matching Tolerance How much colors can differ from Color To Match and still be matched.

Matching Softness The amount that unmatched pixels are affected by the effect, in proportion to their similarity to Color To Match.

Match Colors Determines the color space in which to compare colors to determine similarity. RGB compares colors in an RGB color space. Hue
compares on the hues of colors, ignoring saturation and brightness—so bright red and light pink match, for example. Chroma uses the two
chrominance components to determine similarity, ignoring luminance (lightness).

Invert Color Correction Mask Inverts the mask that determines which colors to affect.

Change To Color effect

The Change To Color effect changes a color you select in an image to another color using hue, lightness, and saturation (HLS) values, leaving
other colors unaffected.

Change To Color offers flexibility and options unavailable in the Change Color effect. These options include tolerance sliders for hue, lightness,
and saturation for exact color matching, and the ability to select the exact RGB values of the target color that you wish to change to.

Paul Trani shows Auto Contrast and Change To Color effects

in this video tutorial


For more information about the Change To Color effect in Premiere Pro,

see this video

by Learn by Video and Video2Brain by Jan Ozer.

Jeff Sengstack explains how to use the Change to Color effect

in this video

from his tutorial -- Premiere Pro: Color Correction and


Original image (left), with saturation removed in the planet (center), and with light green changed to yellow in the planet (right)

From The center of the color range to change.

To The color to change matched pixels to.

To animate a color change, set keyframes for the To color.

Change Which channels are affected.

Change By How to change colors. Setting To Color performs a direct change of affected pixels to the target color. Transforming To Color
transforms affected pixel values towards the target color, using HLS interpolation; the amount of change for each pixel depends on how close the
pixel’s color is to the From color.

Tolerance How much colors can differ from the From color and still be matched. Expand this control to reveal separate sliders for Hue, Lightness,
and Saturation values.
Note: Use the View Correction Matte option to better identify which pixels are matched and affected.

Softness The amount of feather to use for the edges of the correction matte. Higher values create smoother transitions between areas affected by
the color change and those unaffected.

View Correction Matte Shows a grayscale matte that indicates the amount to which the effect affects each pixel. White areas are changed the
most, and dark areas are changed the least.

Channel Mixer effect

The Channel Mixer effect modifies a color channel by using a mix of the current color channels. Use this effect to make creative color adjustments
not easily done with the other color adjustment tools: Create high-quality grayscale images by choosing the percentage contribution from each
color channel, create high-quality sepia-tone or other tinted images, and swap or duplicate channels.


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