Copy masters, Copy a master within a document, Copy or move a master to another document – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual
Page 80: Delete a master from a document, Override or detach master items

Copy masters
You can copy masters within the same document or from one document to another to use as the starting point for a
new master. You can also copy masters to other documents when you synchronize documents in a book or import
master pages from another document.
See also
Import a master from another document
Copy a master within a document
In the Pages panel, do one of the following:
Drag the page name of a master spread to the New Page button at the bottom of the panel.
Select the page name of a master spread, and choose Duplicate Master Spread [spread name] in the panel menu.
When you copy a master, the page prefix of the copied master becomes the next letter in the alphabet.
Copy or move a master to another document
1 Open the document you want to add the master to. Then open the document with the master you want to copy.
2 In the Pages panel of the source document, do either of the following:
Click and drag the master spread to the destination document’s window to copy it.
Select the master you want to move or copy. Choose Layout > Pages
> Move Master, and choose the destination
document name from the Move To menu. If you want to remove the page or pages from the source document,
select Delete Pages After Moving, and then click OK.
If the target document already has a master with the same prefix, the moved master is assigned the next available letter
in the alphabet.
Delete a master from a document
1 In the Pages panel, select one or more master page icons.
To select all unused master pages, choose Select Unused Masters in the Page panel menu.
2 Do one of the following:
Drag a selected master page or spread icon to the Delete icon at the bottom of the panel.
Click the Delete icon at the bottom of the panel.
Choose Delete Master Spread [spread name] in the panel menu.
When you delete a master, the [None] master is applied to any document page to which the deleted master was applied.
Override or detach master items
When you apply a master page to a document page, all objects on the master, called master items, appear on the
document page. Sometimes you want a specific page to be only slightly different from a master. In this situation you
don’t need to re-create the master layout on the page or create a new master. You can override or detach the master
item, and other master items on the document page will continue to update with the master.
Updated 18 June 2009