Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual

Page 315

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Long document features

3 Select Reference.

If entries added to the Topic list do not appear in the Reference, choose Show Unused Topics from the Index panel
menu. You can then use those topics when adding entries.

4 To view index entries from any open documents in a book file, select Book.

5 Choose New Page Reference in the Index panel menu. (If this command does not appear, make sure Reference is

selected and that there is an insertion point or text selection in the document.)

6 To add text to the Topic Levels box, do any of the following:

To create a simple index entry (such as cats), type the entry in the first Topic Levels box. (If text was selected, that
text appears in the Topic Levels box.)

To create entries and subentries, type the parent name (for this example, animals) in the first Topic Levels box, and
type subentries (cats and Calicos) in subsequent boxes. If necessary, click the up and down arrows to change places
with the item above or below the selected item.

Index entry in the Topic Levels box (left) and resulting appearance in the Index (right)

Double-click any topic in the list box at the bottom of the dialog box.

7 To change the way an entry is sorted in the final index, use the Sort By boxes. For example, to sort the topic de la

Vega under V (instead of D), you would type Vega in the Sort By box and de la Vega in the Topic Level box.

You can also select the sort order of numbers, symbols, and languages, and you can edit sort information for Chinese
characters. (See “

Change the sort order of indexes

” on page 313.)

8 Specify the type of index entry:

To create index entries that have a page number or range (such as cats 82–87), choose an option that describes the
span of the entry in the Type pop-up menu. (See “

Page range options in indexes

” on page 309.)

To create an index entry without a page number, choose Suppress Page Range in the Type menu. Although no page
number will appear in the generated index, the page number appears in parentheses in the Index panel.

To create an index entry which refers to another entry, select one of the cross-reference options (such as See or See
) from the Type pop-up menu, and input the entry name in the Referenced text box, or drag the existing entry
from the list at the bottom to the Referenced box. You can also customize the See and See also terms displayed in
the cross-reference entries by selecting Custom Cross Reference from the Type pop-up menu. (See “

Add “See” or

“See also” cross-references to an index

” on page 310.)

9 To add emphasis to a particular index entry, select Number Style Override, and then specify a character style.

10 To add an entry to the index, do any of the following:

Click Add to add current entry and leave the dialog box open for additional entries.

Click Add All to locate all instances of the selected text in the document window and create an index marker for
each one. Add All is available only if text in the document is selected.


bears 9


Calicos 19



Black 10

Updated 18 June 2009