Find missing links, Specify a default relink folder, Copy links to a different folder – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual
Page 379: Relink to a different folder
Find missing links
By default, InDesign checks for missing links and tries to resolve them when you open a document. Two preference
options let InDesign check for and find missing links automatically when you open a document.
Check Links Before Opening Document
If you turn off this option, InDesign opens the document immediately, and
the link statuses remain pending until links are determined to be up-to-date, missing, or modified. If you turn on this
option, InDesign checks for modified or missing links.
Find Missing Links Before Opening Document
If you turn off this option, InDesign does not attempt to resolve the
missing links. You may want to turn off this option if links slow performance to a server or if unexpected linkings
occur. This option is dimmed if Check Links Before Opening Document is turned off.
Search For Missing Links
Use the Search For Missing Links command to search for and resolve missing links in your
document. This command is useful if you turned off the preferences option that checks for missing links when you
open a document, and now you have missing links. This command is also useful if you mount a server where images
are stored after opening a document.
To change link settings, open the File Handling section of the Preferences dialog box, and determine whether the
Check Links Before Opening Document and Find Missing Links Before Opening Document options are selected.
To let InDesign attempt to resolve missing links, choose Utilities
> Search For Missing Links from the Links panel menu.
This command is dimmed if the document contains no missing links.
Specify a default Relink folder
1 In the Preferences dialog box, select File Handling.
2 From the Default Relink Folder menu, choose either of the following options, and then click OK:
Most Recent Relink Folder
This option displays the most recently used folder you selected when relinking, matching
InDesign CS3 behavior.
Original Relink Folder
This option displays the original location of the linked file, matching the behavior of InDesign
CS2 and earlier.
Copy links to a different folder
Use the Copy Link(s) To command to copy graphics files to a different folder and redirect the links to the copied files.
This command is especially useful for moving files to a different drive, such as moving files from a DVD to a hard drive.
1 Select the links to the files you want to copy, and choose Utilities
> Copy Link(s) To from the Links panel menu.
2 Specify the folder where the linked files will be copied and choose Select (Windows) or Choose (Mac
Relink to a different folder
When you use the Relink To Folder command, you can point to a folder that contains files with the same names as
your out-of-date links. For example, if your current links point to low-resolution images, you can specify a different
folder that contains high-resolution images. You can specify a different extension for the files, allowing you to change
links from .jpg to .tiff, for example.
1 Select one or more links in the Links panel.
2 Choose Relink To Folder from the Links panel menu.
3 Specify the location of the new folder.
4 To use a different extension, select Match Same Filename But This Extension, and specify the new extension (such
as AI, TIFF, or PSD).
Updated 18 June 2009