Copying keyboard shortcut sets, Toolbox, Toolbox overview – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual
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4 In the Commands list, select the command that you want to define or redefine.
5 In the New Shortcut box, press the keys for your new keyboard shortcut. If the key sequence is currently being used
for another command, InDesign displays that command under Current Shortcuts. You can choose to change the
original shortcut also, or try another shortcut.
Note: Do not assign single-key shortcuts to menu commands, because they interfere with the typing of text. If an insertion
point is active when you type a single-key shortcut, InDesign actives the keyboard shortcut instead of inserting the
character in the text.
6 In the Context list, select the context in which you want the keyboard shortcut to function. The context ensures that
the shortcut performs the way you intended. For example, you can assign Ctrl+G to merge table cells (Table
context) and Ctrl+G to insert special characters (Text context).
Note: Assign shortcuts in the Default context when you want them to function regardless of the current state of the
document. Shortcuts you assign in other contexts, such as Table or Text, override shortcuts assigned in the Default
7 Do one of the following:
Click Assign to create a new shortcut where none currently exists.
Click Assign to add another shortcut to a command. Menu commands can have multiple keyboard shortcuts.
8 Click OK to close the dialog box, or click Save to keep the dialog box open while you enter more shortcuts.
Copying keyboard shortcut sets
Keyboard shortcut sets (*.indk) are saved in two locations. The application preset shortcuts appear in the Presets folder
in the main application folder. The shortcut sets you create appear in the Shortcut Sets folder in the following locations:
Windows XP
Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\[version]\[language]InDesign
Shortcut Sets
Windows Vista
Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\[Version]\[Language]\InDesign Shortcut Sets
Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/[version]/[language]/InDesign Shortcut Sets
If you created a keyboard shortcut set on one computer and want to use it on a different computer, copy the *.indk file
to the same location on the other computer.
You can move a keyboard set from the custom location to the application folder. Doing so makes the custom shortcuts
available to all the users sharing a computer. However, make sure that you do not have two sets with the same name,
one in each place. Make sure that the application keyboard sets and the custom sets have different names.
Toolbox overview
Some tools in the toolbox are for selecting, editing, and creating page elements. Other tools are for choosing type,
shapes, lines, and gradients. You can change the overall layout of the toolbox to fit your preferred window and panel
layout. By default, the toolbox appears as a single vertical column of tools. You can also set it up as a double vertical
column or as one horizontal row. However, you can’t rearrange the positions of individual tools in the toolbox. You
can drag the top of the toolbox to move it.
Updated 18 June 2009