Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual

Page 340

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3 Position the Convert Direction Point tool over the anchor point you want to convert, and do one of the following:

To convert a corner point to a smooth point, drag direction lines out of the corner point.

Dragging direction lines out of corner point to create smooth point

To convert a smooth point to a corner point without using direction lines, click a smooth point.

Clicking smooth point to create corner point

To convert a corner point without using direction lines to a corner point with independent direction lines, first drag
direction lines out of a corner point (making it a smooth point). Release the mouse button, and then drag either
direction line.

To convert a smooth point to a corner point with independent direction lines, drag either direction line.

Converting smooth point to corner point

To convert points, you can also use the Direct Selection tool to select a point, and then choose a command from the
Object > Paths

> Convert Point menu. For example, you can select the smooth point at the bottom of a “U” shape and

choose Object > Paths

> Convert Point > Line End. Doing so removes the direction lines and makes a “V” shape. Choose

Corner to create a point with direction lines that can move independently of each other. Choose Smooth Symmetrical to
create a point with handles of equal length. Choose Smooth to create a point with handles that can have unequal lengths.

See also

About paths

” on page 317

About direction lines and direction points

” on page 319

Adjust path segments

” on page 328

Updated 18 June 2009