Apply character styles within a cross-reference, Load (import) cross-reference formats – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual

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Dynamic documents

Apply character styles within a cross-reference

If you want to emphasize a section of text within a cross-reference, you can use the Character Style building block. This
building block consists of two tags. The stylename”> tag indicates which style is applied, and the tag
ends the character style. Any text or building blocks between these tags is formatted in the specified style.

Applying a character style to a section of the cross-reference

A. This tag applies a character style named “Red.” B. This tag ends the character style formatting. C. A character style named “Bold” is applied
to the rest of the cross-reference source.

1 Create the character style you want to use.

2 In the Cross-Reference Formats dialog box, create or edit the format you want to apply.

3 Under Definition, select the text and building blocks to which you want to apply the character style.

4 Choose Character Style from the menu to the right of the definition list.

5 Type the name of the character style between the quotation marks exactly as it appears in the Character Styles panel.

Style names are case sensitive. If the character style is in a group, type the name of the group followed by a colon before
the character style, such as Style Group 1: Red.

6 Click Save to save the format, and then click OK.

Load (import) cross-reference formats

When you load cross-reference formats from another document, the incoming formats replace any existing formats
that share the same name.

In InCopy, you can import cross-reference formats only in standalone documents. You cannot import formats from
an InCopy document into an InDesign document. If the new or modified format in InCopy conflicts with a format in
the InDesign document when the story is checked in, the InDesign format takes precedence.

1 Choose Load Cross-Reference Formats from the Hyperlinks panel menu.

2 Double-click the document containing the cross-reference formats you want to import.

You can also share cross-reference formats across documents by synchronizing a book.




Updated 18 June 2009