Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual
Page 20
Creating interactive documents for PDF
Integration with Adobe Bridge CS4
Browse, organize, label, and preview graphics and InDesign documents, templates, and snippets in Adobe Bridge.
Drag and drop assets from Bridge into layouts easily and efficiently. Search for files using metadata that specifies
keywords, fonts, colors, and more. See “
Integration with Adobe Version Cue CS4
Connect to Version Cue Server projects using Adobe Drive. The connected server appears like a hard drive or mapped
network drive in Windows Explorer, Mac
OS Finder, and dialog boxes such as Open and Save As. See “
InDesign Markup Language (IDML)
InDesign Markup Language, an XML- based file format, allows developers to assemble and disassemble InDesign
documents using standard XML tools and without having to open INDD files. See “
Save an InDesign Markup (IDML)
As a result of the new markup language, many filename extensions have changed in the InCopy workflow.
Assignments improvements
New assignment operations in InCopy workflows are now enabled for unsaved InDesign documents. You are now
prompted to save the document.
The Assignments panel also included different options to update assignments. These options include Selected, Out-
of-Date, and All. The All option updates all assignments, including those that aren’t out of date, thereby letting you
view design changes that don’t affect the composition of assignment text.
Adobe Services
Adobe community help
Get help from the biggest talent pool out there, quickly, with targeted searches.
Collaborate with clients, colleagues, and vendors by sharing your desktop so that you can quickly
complete group reviews and show your work with ease. Choose File
> Share My Screen.
Adobe kuler panel
Explore, create, and share colors using Adobe kuler, a web-hosted application for experimenting
with color and sharing themes with the online kuler community. Designed to both stand alone and complement
Adobe Creative Suite software, kuler uses Adobe Flash technology to bring you online tools for color theme creation.
You can save themes to your own Mykuler space, share them publicly, receive themes via RSS feeds, and more.
File Type
CS3 extension
CS4 extension
Assignment files
Content files
Exported files
Package files for InCopy
Package files for InDesign
InCopy template files
Updated 18 June 2009