Metacharacters for searching, Enter the search expression manually. (see – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual
Page 164
Metacharacters for searching
Metacharacters represent a character or symbol in InDesign. Metacharacters in the Text section of the Find/Change
dialog box begin with a caret
(^); metacharacters in the GREP section begin with a tilde (~) or backslash (\). You can
type metacharacters in the Text tab or GREP tab of the Find/Change dialog box.
Save time fixing punctuation errors by saving search strings as queries.
Multiline off
One Two Three Four Five Six
Seven Eight
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven
Single-line on
The searches for any character ( . ) between the
letters c and a. The (?s) expression matches any
character, even if it falls on the next line.
(.) matches anything other than a paragraph
return. (?s)(.) matches anything, including
paragraph returns.
abc abc abc abc
abc abcabc abc
Single-line off
abc abc abc abc
abc abc abc abc
Repeat number of
{ }
b{3} matches exactly 3 times
b(3,} matches at least 3 times
b{3,}? matches at least 3 times (shortest match)
b{2,3} matches at least 2 times and not more
than 3
b{2,3}? matches at least 2 times and not more
than 3 (shortest match)
abbc abbbc abbbbc
abbc abbbc abbbbc abbbbbc
abbc abbbc abbbbc abbbbbc
abbc abbbc abbbbc abbbbbc
abbc abbbc abbbbc abbbbbc
abbc abbbc abbbbc abbbbbc
Text tab metacharacter:
GREP tab metacharacter:
Tab Character
End of Paragraph
Forced Line Break
Any Page Number
Current Page Number
Next Page Number
Previous Page Number
* Any Variable
Section Marker
* Anchored Object Marker
* Footnote Reference Marker
* Index Marker
Bullet Character
Search string
Sample text
Matches (in bold)
Updated 18 June 2009