Sound options, Poster options – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual
Page 549
Dynamic documents
Floating Window
Play the movie in a separate window. If you select this option, specify the size ratio and position on
the screen. Increasing the size of the floating window may reduce image quality. The floating window scale is based on
the size of the original movie, not the size of the scaled movie in the document layout.
Sound options
You can edit sound options by double-clicking the sound play area using the Selection tool, or by selecting the sound
object and choosing Object > Interactive > Sound Options.
Type a description that appears if the sound cannot be played in Acrobat. This description also acts as
alternative text for visually impaired users.
To specify a different sound clip, click the Browse (Windows) or Choose (Mac
OS) button next to File, and then
double-click the new filename.
Specify the type of image that you want to appear in the play area.
Play On Page Turn
Play the sound clip when someone turns to the page of the PDF document on which the sound is
Do Not Print Poster
Select this option if you do not want the poster to print in InDesign.
Embed Sound In PDF
Embedding the media file increases the file size of the PDF document but prevents you from
having to send or copy the media file along with the PDF document.
You can override this setting by linking or embedding all media files, or you can use the settings for each object. Sounds
must be embedded to be played in some earlier versions of Acrobat.
Poster options
You cannot simply use a placed image as a poster. Instead, specify any of the following types of poster images in the
Movie Options or Sound Options dialog box:
Shows no poster for the movie or sound clip. This option is useful if you want the movie or sound clip to not be
visible on the page. For example, you may want the media to be played only when you turn the page, or you may want
a more complex design beneath the movie to show instead of the poster.
Displays a generic movie or sound poster that isn’t based on the contents of the file.
To use a different standard poster, save an image as StandardMoviePoster.jpg or StandardSoundPoster.jpg, and
replace the existing file of the same name. This file is located in the Presets/Images folder in the application folder.
Default Poster
Displays the poster image packaged with the movie file. If the selected movie doesn’t have a frame
designated as the poster, the first frame of the movie is used as the poster image.
Frame From Movie
This option is dimmed unless you specify a frame using the Choose Move Frame As Poster option.
Choose Image As Poster
Lets you select an image to use as the poster. Click Browse, and then double-click the image
you want to use. You can select bitmap graphics, not vector graphics, for posters.
To use an image as a poster, you can also use the Direct Selection tool to select the poster frame, and then use the Place
command to place a graphic inside the frame.
Choose Movie Frame As Poster
Lets you select any video frame to use as the poster image. Supported formats include
AVI, MPEG, MOV, and SWF. Drag the slider or use the arrow keys to advance through the movie clip to the desired
frame, and then click
Updated 18 June 2009