Enter values in panels and dialog boxes, Manage connections to web services – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual
Page 44

In the Control panel and the Transform panel, you can duplicate the selected object and apply the calculation to the
duplicate (instead of the original). Enter the calculation and press Alt+Enter (Windows) or Option+Return
(Mac OS).
See also
Enter values in panels and dialog boxes
Enter values in panels and dialog boxes
Panels and dialog boxes use the measurement units and increments defined in the Edit > Preferences
> Units &
Increments (Windows) or InDesign
> Preferences
> Units & Increments (Mac
OS) dialog box. However, you can
specify values using any of the supported measurement units at any time by temporarily overriding the current
preference settings.
Do any of the following:
Type a value in the box, and then press Enter or Return.
Drag the slider.
Drag the dial.
Click the arrow buttons in the panel to change the value.
Click in the box and then use the up or down arrow keys on the keyboard to change the value.
Select a value from the menu associated with the box.
Note: When you make a change using the arrow buttons, arrow keys, or pop-up menus, InDesign applies the change
See also
Calculate values in panels and dialog boxes
Manage connections to web services
In Adobe® Creative Suite® 4, the Connections panel lets you manage connections to web services and the locally
installed extensions that interact with them. The Connections panel itself is an extension. Additional extensions
installed with Creative Suite applications include the following:
Adobe ConnectNow
Collaborate with dispersed working teams over the web, sharing voice, data, and multimedia.
Kuler™ panel
Quickly create, share, and explore color themes online.
Search for Help
In the upper-right corner of applications, enter search terms to access Community Help. Community
Help includes Adobe product Help, plus additional content from the design and production communities.
Updated 18 June 2009