Shear an object using the shear command, Repeat transformations, Clear transformations – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual

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Frames and objects

Shear an object using the Shear command

You can shear an object by a specific amount by using the Shear command. This command also lets you shear a copy
of the selected object, leaving the original in place.

1 Select an object to shear. To shear both the frame and its content, use the Selection tool to select the frame. To shear

the content without its frame, direct-select the object. To shear a frame without scaling the content, direct-select
the frame, and select all the anchor points.

2 Do one of the following to open the Shear dialog box:

Select Object > Transform

> Shear.

Double-click the Shear tool


Select the Shear tool and Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac

OS) to select a new reference point.

3 Type a new shear angle.

The shear angle is the amount of slant to be applied to the object, relative to a line perpendicular to the shear axis.
(Shear angle is calculated clockwise from the current axis.)

4 Specify the axis along which the object is to be sheared. You can shear an object along a horizontal or vertical axis.

5 Do any of the following:

To preview the effect before you apply it, select Preview.

To shear the object, click


To shear a copy of the object, click Copy.

Repeat transformations

You can repeat transformations, such as moving, scaling, rotating, resizing, reflecting, shearing, and fitting. You can
repeat either a single transformation or a sequence of transformations, and you can apply those transformations to
more than one object at a time. InDesign remembers all transformations until you select a different object or perform
a different task.

Note: Not all transformations are recorded. For example, modifying a path or its points is not recorded as a

1 Select one or more objects, and perform all the transformations you want to repeat.

2 Select the object or objects to which you want to apply the same transformations.

3 Choose Object > Transform Again and then select one of the following options:

Transform Again

Applies the last single transform operation to the selection.

Transform Again Individually

Applies the last single transform operation to each selected object individually, rather

than as a group.

Transform Sequence Again

Applies the last sequence of transform operations to the selection.

Transform Sequence Again Individually

Applies the last sequence of transform operations to each selected object


Clear transformations

1 Select the object or objects that have been transformed.

2 Choose Clear Transformations from the Transform or Control panel menu.

Updated 18 June 2009