Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual
Page 410
Frames and objects
Using the Distribute Horizontal Centers option and adding a value for Use Spacing
A. Spaces the objects evenly from their centers by a specified value B. Changes the overall width of the objects as a whole
To set the space between objects (facing edge to facing edge), under Distribute Spacing, select Use Spacing and type
the amount of space you want between the objects. (If Distribute Spacing is not visible, choose Show Options in the
Align Panel menu.) Then, click the Distribute Spacing button to distribute the objects along their horizontal or
vertical axes.
Using the Distribute Horizontal Space option and adding a value for Use Spacing
A. Creates spaces of a specified value between each object B. Changes the overall width of the objects as a whole
When you use spacing with vertical distribution, selected objects are spaced from top to bottom, starting with the top-
most object. When you use spacing with horizontal distribution, selected objects are spaced from left to right, starting
from the left-most object.
You can also use the Smart Spacing feature to align or distribute objects while moving them. For example, if two
vertical objects are 12 points apart, moving a third object 12 points below the second object causes temporary guides
to appear, allowing you to snap the object into alignment.
See also
Updated 18 June 2009