Create button hot spots, Display a hidden image on rollover, Display a different button on rollover – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual
Page 559: Create, Button hot spots
Dynamic documents
2 Do any of the following:
To delete the Rollover or Click state, click the Delete icon at the bottom of the panel. Deleting a state is especially
useful if you edit the Normal state extensively and decide you want to base Rollover or Click on the new Normal
To disable a state without deleting it, click the Eye icon next to the state to deselect it. Disabled states are not
exported to the PDF or SWF file.
Note: You cannot delete or disable the Normal state.
Create button hot spots
In some cases, you may want the button area (called a “hot spot” or “hot link”) to be invisible until the mouse pointer
is moved over it. For example, when you move a pointer over a button on a map, an image could be displayed that
represents a region, and the image could disappear when the pointer moves away from the region.
In the exported PDF file, holding the pointer over a hot spot causes an image to appear.
Display a hidden image on rollover
One way to achieve a “hot spot” effect is to apply an image to the Rollover state in the States panel. To do this, create
a button in which the [Rollover] state displays an image while the [Normal] state doesn’t display the image.
1 Select the image you want to use as a hot spot. Make sure the frame of the image does not have a border or
2 In the Buttons panel (choose Window > Interactive > Buttons), click the [Normal] state to convert the selected
image to a button.
3 Click the [Rollover] state in the Buttons panel to activate it.
4 Click the [Normal] state again. Then select the image using the Direct Selection tool
and delete the image.
Make sure you delete the image (the contents of the frame), not the frame and contents. Deleting the frame would
delete the entire button.
5 To preview the hot spot effect, export the image to PDF or SWF and move the mouse over the area where the image
should appear.
To test the button, export the document to PDF or SWF, and view the exported file. If you’re exporting to PDF, make
sure that the Interactive Elements option is selected. If you’re exporting to SWF, make sure that Include Buttons is
For a more detailed description, see
Display a different button on rollover
You can create a hot spot in which clicking or mousing over an object displays another object. To do this, create two
buttons, hide one of the buttons, and use the Show/Hide Button action to show and hide the target button.
1 Create an object to be used as the source button. In the Buttons panel, click the [Normal] state to convert it to a
Updated 18 June 2009