Untag an item, Retag items, Specify autotag defaults – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual
Page 579: Show or hide tag markers and tagged frames
Untag an item
Untag an item to remove its tag but retain the associated content.
1 Select the element in the Structure pane, or select the page item or tagged text in the document layout.
2 Click Untag in the Tags panel.
Retag items
Retag an item to replace the existing tag (you don’t need to untag it first). Use one of these techniques to retag an item:
Using a selection tool, select a text frame, a graphics frame, or an element in the Structure pane, and then click a
different tag in the Tags panel.
To retag a story, use the Type tool to place a insertion point anywhere in the story’s text. Select Retag in the Tags
panel, and then click a different tag.
To retag a text block, use the Type tool to select the entire block of text. Select Retag in the Tags panel, and then
click a different tag. (If you select Add Tag and then click a different tag, a new child element appears in the
Structure pane.)
Specify Autotag defaults
When you select a text frame, table, table cells, or an image, and then click the Autotag icon in the Tags panel, InDesign
applies a default tag to the item you selected. You can specify these default tags in the Tagging Preset Options dialog box.
Note: InDesign applies a default tag when you create an element that requires a parent element, but doesn’t yet have one.
For example, if you tag text within a text frame but the frame itself isn’t tagged, InDesign assigns the frame a tag according
to the Tagging Preset Options. The capability to apply default tags helps InDesign maintain correct XML structure.
1 Choose Tagging Preset Options from the Tags panel menu.
2 Choose a default tag for text frames, tables, table cells, and images.
If the tag you need isn’t listed, you can choose New Tag from the menu and create a tag.
Show or hide tag markers and tagged frames
Tag markers are brackets that appear on the page around text that has been tagged. Show tag markers to see where
titles, headings, and other text has been tagged on a page. Tagged frames indicate where items such as text frames,
tables, and images have been tagged. The color assigned to a tag in the Tags panel determines the color of tag markers
and tagged frames. Tag markers and tagged frames only appear in Normal view.
Updated 18 June 2009