Resize movie objects, posters, or frames, Choosing which pdf version to use with media files – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual

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Dynamic documents

Resize movie objects, posters, or frames

When you add a movie to the InDesign document, the movie object and poster appear in a frame. When you export
to PDF, the movie object’s boundary determines the size of the movie in the PDF document, not the frame size or
poster size.

For best results, keep the poster size and dimension the same as the movie. If you apply a clipping path or resize the
image, the exported PDF document may not include these changes.

Movies are displayed in the topmost layer of the PDF document. If you overlay a movie with another object in
InDesign, that object appears beneath the movie in the exported PDF.

If you want the PDF document to include a play area with feathering or other effects that may not export well when
applied to a poster, consider using a placed image for the play area, and then place a movie (without a poster) on top

of the placed image.

Resizing movie object

A. Poster B. Movie object C. Frame

Do any of the following:

To resize the movie object, poster, and frame, use the Scale tool

and drag one of the corner handles (hold down

Shift to maintain proportions).

To resize only the frame, use the Selection tool

to drag a corner handle.

To resize the poster or media object, use the Direct Selection tool

to select the poster. Switch to the Selection tool,

and then drag a corner handle.

You can also use the Fitting commands (Object > Fitting) to resize a poster within a frame.

Choosing which PDF version to use with media files

When you export the InDesign document to Portable Document Format (PDF), you can determine which PDF
version is used. The PDF version determines which interactive options are available. Before you export, note the
following limitations:

If you export to PDF 1.3/1.4

Non-RGB movie or sound posters aren’t visible in the exported PDF document.

SWF and MPEG movies aren’t playable in the exported PDF document.

Clipping paths applied to movie or sound posters don’t appear in the exported PDF document. Posters are resized
to match the movie page item.

Movies cannot be embedded.

Sounds cannot be linked.




Updated 18 June 2009