Scale type, Adjust vertical or horizontal scaling, Scale text by resizing the text frame in indesign – Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual

Page 246: Determine the appearance of scaled text values, Os) to scale the text within the frame. (see, Drag to resize the frame. (see

Scale type, Adjust vertical or horizontal scaling, Scale text by resizing the text frame in indesign | Determine the appearance of scaled text values, Os) to scale the text within the frame. (see, Drag to resize the frame. (see | Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual | Page 246 / 717 Scale type, Adjust vertical or horizontal scaling, Scale text by resizing the text frame in indesign | Determine the appearance of scaled text values, Os) to scale the text within the frame. (see, Drag to resize the frame. (see | Adobe InDesign CS4 User Manual | Page 246 / 717