1 – quick trip list sequencing, 2 – operation, Quick trip list sequencing – Maxim Integrated DS4830 Optical Microcontroller User Manual

Page 69: Operation

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DS4830 User’s Guide


By default, the external channels GP0-15 are general-purpose input. The DS4830 has the Pin Select Register (PINSEL).
The PINSEL register is used to configure the external channels as an analog pin for ADC or/and Quick Trip use. Each bit
location in this register corresponds to the ADC/Quick Trip input pin.

Table 9-1. Low and High Thresholds Configuration and List Creation




Register Selected



N(0 to 15)

Low threshold configuration for the channel defined in list N



N(0 to 15)

High threshold configuration for the channel defined in list N



N(0 to 15)



register of list configuration

Thresholds Configuration
Each configuration has two threshold registers to configure low and high threshold. Each threshold register is addressed
by the QTIDX[3:0] bits. These bits are auto incremented on any read or write operation to the QTDATA register. The low
trip thresholds are configured by writing to the QTDATA register when the RW_LST and LTHT

bits are set to ‘0’. The high

trip thresholds are configured by writing to the QTDATA register when the RW_LST bit is set to ‘0’ and LTHT bit is set to

List Creation
As shown in Figure 9-1, the quick trip controller has 16 list registers. These are configured by writing to the QTDATA
register when the RW_LST bit is set to ‘1’. The list address is addressed by the QTIDX[3:0] bits. Each list register uses
only lower 5 bits. The first 4 lower bits CHSEL [3:0] specifies the quick trip input channel. The DIFF bit selects between

ended mode (when DIFF bit is set to ‘0’) and differential mode (when DIFF bit is set to ‘1’) quick trip comparison.

The start and stop addresses of the list are provided by the Quick Trip List Register (QTLST). Any channel can be used
multiple times at any location in the list.

Refer 9.2 - Quick Trip Register Descriptions for details.

As shown in Figure 9-1, the quick trip sequencer selects a channel from 16 external channels. The quick trip controller
has an internal 8-bit DAC which generates voltage for low and high threshold comparisons with the external channel input.
The quick trip is also called “Fast Comparator” as it compares the input with threshold using the fast comparator. The
conversion time is 1.6


for each threshold; so each channel’s thresholds are compared in 3.2

s (1.6

s for low trip

threshold + 1.6

s for high trip threshold).


– Quick Trip List Sequencing

The DS4830 quick trip controller performs the user defined sequence of up to 16 Single ended or 8 Differential external
channels conversions.

A sequence is setup in the QTLST register by defining the starting conversion configuration address (QTSTART) and an
ending conversion configuration address (QTEND). The configuration start address designates the configuration register
to be used for the first conversion in a sequence. The configuration end address designates the configuration register
used for the last conversion in a sequence. A single channel conversion can be viewed as a special case for sequence
conversion, where the starting and ending configuration address is the same. The configuration registers can be viewed
as a circular register array where QTSTART does not have to be less than QTEND. For example, if QTSTART = 1 and
QTEND = 5, then the sequence of conversions would be configurations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. . If QTSTART = 5 and QTEND = 1,
then the sequence of conversions would be configurations

5, 6, 7 … 15, 0, 1.


– Operation

The quick trip is enabled by setting the Quic

k Trip Enable (QTEN) bit to ‘1’ in the QTCN register. The Quick Trip Controller

takes ~120 core clocks to wake up after enable and then starts scanning through the list of channels specified in the
channel list register QTLST continuously in the round robin sequence. The quick trip sequence reads the list, selects the
input channel and reads the low trip threshold and performs 8-bit comparison, then reads the high trip threshold and again
performs 8-bit comparison. The quick trip has separate interrupt flag registers for the low and high trip threshold. The low
trip interrupt flag is set when the input voltage is less than the configured low threshold. Similarly, the high trip interrupt
flag is set when the input voltage is greater than the configured high threshold. The interrupt can be generated if enabled.

The channel list can be filled up using the QTDATA register by setting the RW_LST bit to ‘1’ in the QTCN register. For
example to scan channels S5, S6 and S14-15 having configurations for channels 5 & 6 in the single-ended mode, channel
7 (S14-S15) in the differential mode and channel 6 again (any channel can be configured multiple times in the QT list).
The quick trip list can be filled sequentially with data 05h (channel 5 + single-ended), 06h (channel 6 + single-ended), 17h