6 - processor status flag operations, 1 - sign flag, Alu operations using only the active accumulator – Maxim Integrated DS4830 Optical Microcontroller User Manual
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DS4830 User’s Guide
– ALU operations using the active accumulator and a source
The following arithmetic and logical operations can use any register or immediate value as a source. The active
accumulator Acc is always used as the second operand and the implicit destination. Also, Acc may not be used as the
source for any of these operations.
add A[4]
; Acc = Acc + A[4]
addc #32h
; Acc = Acc + 0032h + Carry
sub A[15]
; Acc = Acc
– A[15]
subb A[1]
; Acc = Acc
– A[1] - Carry
cmp #00h
; If (Acc == 0000h), set Equals flag
and A[0]
; Acc = Acc AND A[0]
or #55h
; Acc = Acc OR
xor A[1]
; Acc = Acc XOR A[1]
– ALU operations using only the active accumulator
The following arithmetic and logical operations operate only on the active accumulator.
; Acc = NOT Acc
; Acc = (NOT Acc) + 1
; Rotate accumulator left (not using Carry)
; Rotate accumulator left through Carry
; Rotate accumulator right (not using Carry)
; Rotate accumulator right through Carry
; Shift accumulator left arithmetically once
; Shift accumulator left arithmetically twice
; Shift accumulator left arithmetically four times
; Shift accumulator right, set Carry to Acc.0, set Acc.15 to zero
; Shift accumulator right arithmetically once
; Shift accumulator right arithmetically twice
; Shift accumulator right arithmetically four times
; Swap low and high nibbles of each Acc byte
; Swap low byte and high byte of Acc
– ALU bit operations using only the active accumulator
The following operations operate on single bits of the current active accumulator in conjunction with the Carry flag. Any of
these operations may use an Acc bit from 0 to 15.
move C, Acc.0
; copy bit 0 of accumulator to Carry
move Acc.5, C
; copy Carry to bit 5 of accumulator
and Acc.3
; Acc.3 = Acc.3 AND Carry
or Acc.0
; Acc.0 = Acc.0 OR Carry
xor Acc.1
; Acc.1 = Acc.1 OR Carry
None of the above bit operations will cause the auto-increment, auto-decrement, or modulo operations defined by the
accumulator pointer control (APC) register.
– Example: Adding two four-byte numbers using auto-increment
move A[0], #5678h
; First number
– 12345678h
move A[1], #1234h
move A[2], #0AAAAh
; Second number
move A[3], #0AAAh
move APC, #81h
; Active Acc = A[0], increment low bit = mod 2
add A[2]
; A[0] = 5678h + AAAAh = 0122h + Carry
addc A[3]
; A[1] = 1234h + AAAh + 1 = 1CDFh
; 12345678h + 0AAAAAAAh = 1CDF0122h
23.6 - Processor Status Flag Operations
The Processor Status Flag (PSF) register contains five flags that are used to indicate and store the results of arithmetic
and logical operations. Four of these flags can be used for conditional program branching.
23.6.1 - Sign Flag
The Sign flag (PSF.6) reflects the current state of the most significant bit of the active accumulator, (Acc.15). If signed
arithmetic is being used, this flag indicates whether the value in the accumulator is positive or negative.