Cabletron Systems 1800 User Manual
Page 343
St atistics Displays
Out/In Bad IP Hdr
– is the number of transmitted datagrams that subsequently
were discarded due to a header size less than was specified. The message text
if this node is a point in the path of the datagram, and
the datagram originated at this node.
Out Time Req
– is the number of requests to other entities in the IP path for times-
tamps, which are a method of determining delay characteristics over the
In Time Req
– is the number of requests received from other entities in the IP path
for timestamps, which are a method of determining delay characteristics over
the Internet.
Out Time Rsp
– is the number of responses to timestamp requests that were made
to this node by other entities in the IP path.
In Time Rsp
– is the number of responses received by this node to timestamp
Out Info Req
– is the number of requests to other entities in the IP path for the IP
address of the network to which they are attached.
In Info Req
– is the number of requests received from a host for the IP address of
the network to which this node is attached.
Out Info Rsp
– is the number of responses sent by this node to information
In Info Rsp
– is the number of responses received by this node to information
Out Mask Req
– is the number of requests to other entities in the IP path for the
subnet mask of the IP network to which they are attached.
In Mask Req
– is the number of requests from other entities in the IP path for the
subnet mask of the IP network to which this node is attached.
Out Mask Rsp
– is the number of responses sent by this node to subnet mask
In Mask Rsp
– is the number of responses received by this node to subnet mask