Interface type, Bl ocked port flag, Port priori ty – Cabletron Systems 1800 User Manual

Page 266: Path cost, Priority, Port, Dlci

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SmartSwitch 1800 4. 0 User G uide, Rev 01


Valid port numbers depend on the model of SmartSwitch 1800—see port locations on

page 6-1

. Make sure the port is not configured (in the Port record) for

backup use only



Make sure the DLCI is not part of a frame relay

DLCI backup

group. Also make sure the

DLCI is not the one configured on the port as a frame relay PVC.



Nati ve LLC2

, the interface can be used only for terminated LLC2 traffic.


Configured in

LLC2 Host file



Must be unique among all LAN IDs throughout the network on which this node will

Interface Type

identifies whether the interface is on a LAN or a frame relay network.

Blocked Port Flag

causes the port to be enabled (


) or disabled (


) at node IPL. The interface will remain

in that state until this parameter is changed and an on-line update of the bridge port is

Port Priority

will become the first octet of the

Port ID

field in Spanning Tree Protocol messages. The

lower the number, the higher the priority that the interface will be given among other
interfaces in the spanning tree.

Path Cost

is the "cost" of transmitting a frame through the port onto the LAN. This cost, deter-
mined by the speed of the LAN/port (the higher the speed, the lower the cost), will be
added together with all other path costs on a specific link between source and desti-
nation devices. The total will then be compared to other total path costs to determine
the least "expensive" end-to-end path.


prioritizes this interface for intra-nodal traffic; the higher the number, the higher the
priority. (This priority has no effect on traffic exiting a node.)

Priorities are configured on all logical interfaces that use a physical frame relay port.
The device processor in the node uses these priorities to help determine the order in
which it will process protocols.

This priority has no connection to

Bridge Priority


Port Priority


When configuring priorities, be careful to consider the types of

traffic being routed on other connections in the node.


identifies the physical port containing the interface.

Make sure the physical frame relay port is not reserved for
backup DLCIs (as determined by the

For Backup Use Only?

parameter in the port record).


matches the connection with an interface at the remote end of the link.