Required configuration, Configuring ip node defaults, Required configuration -3 – Cabletron Systems 1800 User Manual
Page 219: Configuring ip node defaults -3, Ip node defaults menu -3, Configure ip node defaults
Configuring IP Routing
Required Configuration
To run IP in a SmartSwitch 1800, make sure the following are properly configured:
(Chapter 4). This is general configuration that must be done
no matter which protocols will be run in the node.
(Chapter 5): IP, RIP, and the transport protocol: frame relay
or X.25.
(page 6-5) that will connect to the LAN(s).
(Chapter 7) or
(Chapter 8) port(s) that will connect to a
network or frame relay PVC.
IP parameters described in this chapter.
Configuring IP Node Defaults
Each SmartSwitch 1800 device supports one of three versions of the Routing Infor-
mation Protocol (RIP), which used by IP to update routing tables. The device can be
configured to support RIP Version 1, Version 2 Multicast, or Version 2 Broadcast.
Updates in any of the three versions can be received; however, only updates of the
configured version will be transmitted.
If you will be using RIP version 1, you do not need to configure a version, since
version 1 is the default in the database. If you will be using another version, press
at the Configure IP/LLC2/BRIDGE/IPX Default Parameters Menu (or
[A], [A], [E], [A]
from the Main Menu).
Figure 14-1 IP Node Defaults Menu
[A],[A], [E],[A]
from Main Menu
After changing the RIP version, press
[A], [C], [E], [G]
from the Main Menu, to update
the node with the change.
N ode N ame= nodexyz
IP Node D efau lts Men u
RI P Version N umber
R IPv1
Op tion :