Sdlc pu subscriber parameters screen -5, For item j in figure 9-3, then press – Cabletron Systems 1800 User Manual
Page 131

Configuring SNA
After entering a station address, a screen similar to the following will be displayed.
Figure 9-3 SDLC PU Subscriber Parameters Screen
An SNA TPAD subscriber can specify only one remote device, which can
be an HPAD or an X.25 connection to the host. An HPAD subscriber can
specify up to 16 remote devices, any of which can be a TPAD or an X.25
connection to the host. An XPAD subscriber can specify only one remote
device, which must be another XPAD.
If SDLC/LLC2 conversion will be done on the PU connection, specify
for item J
in Figure 9-3, then press
to configure the LLC2 parameters (listed in
(If the PU is not part of an SDLC/LLC2 connection, you do not have to configure
those parameters.)
N ode Name= nodexyz
SDLC PU Sub scriber Parameters (screen 1 of 2)
Port 0
S tation Ad dres s C1
A PU N ame
n ame
B Local Sub scriber I D
C Remote Su bscrib er ID
D Maxdata (Max I-Frm bytes/frame)
E Au tocall
F Au tocall Retry Time
G Au tocall Retry C ount
H Is tatus
A ctive
LPDA Resource ID
LLC2 Conn ection
K Con figu re LLC 2 Parameters
L L2 D atMod e
Tw o-way A lternate
Op tion :