Rockwell Automation 8520-MUM 9/Series CNC Mill Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual

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9/Series PAL Reference Manual

Index (General)

9/Series Mill


Operation and Programming Manual


Control Reset, 2-3, 2-4

Coordinate Offset, on shared axis, 30-29

Coordinate System

inch/metric, 13-13
Offset Tables, 3-14
Offsetting Work Systems, 11-13
Rotating (G68, G69), 13-2
Rotating External, 13-6

Coordinate System Offset (G92), 11-13

Coordinate System, Absolute, 13-12

Coordinate System, Machine, 11-1
Coordinate Systems, rotating, 13-1

Coordinate Systems, Work, 11-4

Copying Program {COPY PRGRAM}, 5-41

Copying programs, 5-16

Counter Clockwise, circular interpolation, 14-5

Coupling dual axes, on dual process controls, 30-32
Creating a Part Program, 31-9

CRT, 2-1, 2-10

CRT Displays, 8-1

CRT screen saver, 8-39

Cursor, Moving, 5-5

Cursor Keys, 2-3

Custom Screens, through PAL, 8-22
Cutter Compensation (G40 G42), 21-1

Block Look Ahead, 21-50
Changing Cutter Radius During Compensation, 21-43
Changing Direction, 21-35
Changing Work Coordinate System, 21-49
Corner Movement After Generated Blocks, 21-41
Error Detection, 21-51
Generated Blocks, 21-7
MDI During Cutter Compensation, 21-46
Moving To/From Machine Home, 21-48
Non Motion Blocks, 21-39
Type A, 21-10

Entry Moves, 21-10
Exit Moves, 21-14

Type B, 21-20

Entry Moves, 21-20
Exit Moves, 21-24

Cutter Compensation (G41, G42), Error Detection

Circular Departure Too Small, 21-52
Disabling, 21-53
Interference, 21-53

Cutter Compensation (G410 G42), Tool Paths During, 21-30

Cutting Feedrate, Maximum, 7-21

Cutting Mode (G64), 18-21

Cutting Speed, 10-39

Cutting Speeds, 10-23

Cutting Torque, G25, 18-9

Cycle Start, 2-14

Cycle Start for Dual-Processing, 30-2
Cycle start using softkeys, 2-19

Cycle Stop, 2-14

Cycle Stop for Dual-Processing, 30-11

Cycle Time (per program), 2-48

Cylindrical Interpolation, 14-14

Cylindrical Interpolation, restrictions, 14-20


D--word, 10-22

Data Length, for communications, 9-6

Date, Setting, 2-43

De-coupling duals

drilling axis, 30-34
on dual processing, 30-32
programming de-coupled axes, 30-33

Deep Hole Drill Cycle (G83), 26-2, 26-21

Deep Hole Peck Drilling Cycle with Dwell (G73), 26-9

Default, Resetting to, 2-4

Delete Block Character, 7-1
Delete Key, 2-3

Deleted Blocks, 10-10

Deleting a Program {DELETE PRGRAM}, 5-37

Depth Probe, 27-18

Detached Axis, 2-43

Detaching a Servo, 4-8

Device, for program execution, 7-5
Device Setup, 9-2

Diameter Offsets, entering values, 3-4

Diameter Offsets, entering wear values, 3-5

Digitizing a Program, Teach, 5-28

Arc (3 Points), 5-32
ARC Tangent at End Points, 5-34
Linear, 5-30

Directory, protected part programs, 5-43

Disable Servos, 4-8

Disable/Enable Overrides, 10-34

Display Pages, PAL, 8-22

Display Select, 8-1