2 linear interpolation mode (g01) – Rockwell Automation 8520-MUM 9/Series CNC Mill Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual

Page 379

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Axis Motion

Chapter 14


The format for the linear interpolation mode is as follows:

G01X__ Y__ Z__ F__ ;

G01 establishes the linear interpolation mode. In linear interpolation
mode, the cutting tool is fed along a straight line at the currently active or
programmed feedrate.

The axes to be moved are determined by the axis names in the G01 block.
The end point of the move to be generated is determined by the values
programmed with the axis names.

The F--word represents the feedrate for axis moves that take place in the
G01, G02 and G03 modes. The F--word does not have to be programmed
in the G01 block, however, if not programmed a feedrate must have been
made active in some previous block.

Linear interpolation can be performed in the absolute mode (G90), or the
incremental mode (G91).

Example 14.2

Absolute Versus Incremental Interpolation

Absolute Command

Incremental Command





Linear Interpolation Mode