Rockwell Automation 8520-MUM 9/Series CNC Mill Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual

Page 304

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Introduction to Programming

Chapter 10


Integrand words are typically used to define parameters that relate to a
specific axis for a canned cycle, probing cycle, or circular motion block;
though not limited to use only in these operations. For example, in circular
motion blocks the axis integrands are used to define the center point of the
arc being cut.

The system installer has the option of assigning either I, J, K, H or none as
the axis integrand name for a specific axis. This manual makes the
following assumption:


integrand name for the X axis


integrand name for the Y axis


integrand name for the Z axis


no integrand selected for the U axis.

Important: Refer to the system installers documentation to make sure the
assumptions are true. If this assumption is not true it is important that the
programmer realize that all examples and formats in this manual that use
an I, J, or K need to have their letter replaced with the system installer’s
integrand words accordingly.

The miscellaneous function is designated with an address M followed by a
two or three-digit numeric value. Because many of these are set by
industry standards, they are usually referred to as M--codes.

When a miscellaneous function is designated in a block containing axis
motion commands, the control’s PAL program determines whether the
M--codes will be:

executed at the same time as the axis motion

executed before the axis motion

executed after the axis motion is completed

This order of execution may also be altered using the paramacro feature,
system parameter #3003.

The system installer determines in AMP if M-- and G--codes get reset every
time the control executes an M02 or M30 end of program command. If the
control does reset M-- and G--codes, modal M-- and G--codes default back
to their power up condition and non-modal M-- and G--codes are reset to
their default values. If M-- and G--codes do not reset, all modal and
non-modal M-- and G--codes remain at their present values.

I ,J, and K Integrand Words

M - codes(Miscellaneous