Rockwell Automation 8520-MUM 9/Series CNC Mill Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual

Page 184

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Running a Program

Chapter 7

Running a Program

Chapter 7


When the MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTION LOCK is made active, the
control displays M--, second auxiliary functions (B--codes), S--, and
T--codes in the part program, except for M00, M01, M02, M30, M98, and

To activate the MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTION LOCK feature the
system installer may have installed a switch corresponding to the
MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTION LOCK feature (refer to documentation
prepared by the system installer), or use the {FRONT PANEL} softkey as
discussed in chapter 2.

Use this feature to cause automatic program execution to stop after a
specified block. This block is determined by assigning its sequence
number (N word) as the sequence stop block. This sequence number may
be entered before or after part program execution begins. If this sequence
number is entered after program execution begins, it must be entered
before the control has executed that block. If it is not entered before the
block is executed it will be ignored and execution will continue as normal.

Automatic execution will stop after the sequence stop block is completed.
The control is placed in cycle stop. To resume execution from the current
position in the program press the button.

Important: Once a sequence stop number is entered for a program it
remains active for all programs that are executed until replaced with a
different sequence stop number, or power is lost. Not entering a value for
the sequence stop number or entering a value of zero will result in the
sequence stop function being canceled.

If a subprogram or macro is called that also contains a sequence number
that corresponds to the sequence stop number, program execution will stop
in the subprogram or macro at the corresponding sequence number.

Miscellaneous Function

Sequence Stop {SEQ STOP}