2 axis inhibit mode – Rockwell Automation 8520-MUM 9/Series CNC Mill Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual
Page 202
Running a Program
Chapter 7
Running a Program
Chapter 7
If the control finds no errors during Quick Check the program screen
displays the message “COMPLETED WITH NO ERRORS”. The control
then automatically resets the program to the first block. To disable Quick
Check without the graphics options, simply press the {QUICK CHECK}
button again. To disable Quick Check with the graphics options, press the
{Quick Check} softkey followed by the {STOP CHECK} softkey.
CAUTION: Note that when a program is run during quick
check mode, the control performs all coordinate system offset
operations. This means that changes to the coordinate systems
or coordinate offset tables are made (G10 blocks, changes to
G92 and G52 offsets, and changes to the active work coordinate
systems G54-G59.9). All of these changes are discarded at any
termination of QuickCheck. The pre-QuickCheck values are
restored when the {Stop Check} softkey is pressed. Note that
program changes to the active offset or tool offset tables are
not made in QuickCheck mode.
When AXIS INHIBIT is activated, the control can execute a part program
without moving specified axes. The control simulates axis motion by
updating the axis location and feedrate displays, using the commanded
feedrates, acceleration, and deceleration. If graphics are being used the
tool paths of any inhibited axis are still drawn on the graphics screen.
The program is executed in approximately the same amount of time as it
would be in automatic mode, even though some or all axes may not move.
The axis inhibit feature may be used in conjunction with Dry Run if
WARNING: When testing a program using Axis Inhibit the
control still recognizes and executes M, B, S, and T--codes. To
ignore M, B, S, and T--codes, execute Axis inhibit in
conjunction with miscellaneous function lock (see section
Axis Inhibit Mode