Rockwell Automation 8520-MUM 9/Series CNC Mill Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual

Page 514

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Tool Control Functions

Chapter 20


Any time after the G10L3 command, parameters may be programmed to
enter what tool group is being entered, the type of tool life measurement
that is being used, and the tool life threshold percentage. Details on these
features are discussed in section 20.5.1. The format for this block is:


Where :

Is :


The value entered with the P--word is used to program what tool group number is
being edited. The following blocks will assign tools to that tool group.


The value entered with the I--word is used to program the type of tool life
measurement that is to be used for all the tools in that group. I0 sets a type of
time, I1 sets a type of number of uses, and I2 sets a type of distance (see section
20.5.1 for details). If more then one I--word is programmed for a tool group the
control uses the last programmed I--word for that group. If no I--word is
programmed for a group the control will use I0 (time) as a default value.


The value entered with the Q--word is used to program the threshold percentage
for that tool group. Enter the percentage of the total expected tool life that will
cause the tools in the group to be classified as old. See section 20.5.1 for details
on threshold percentage. If the Q--word is not programmed in a block the control
uses a default value of 80%.

The following program blocks assign tools to groups, length and cutter
compensation offset numbers, and expected tool life to specific tools. This
information is assigned to the last group number programmed in a block
using the P--word. The format for these blocks are:

T__ H__ D__ L__;

Where :

Is :


The value entered with the T--word is the tool number of the tool to be assigned
to that group


The value entered with the H--word is the tool length offset number from the tool
geometry and wear tables that is to be assigned to this tool. The H--word is only
valid if programmed in the same block as a T--word.


The value entered with the D--word is the tool radius offset number from the tool
geometry and wear tables that is to be assigned to this tool. The D--word is only
valid if programmed in the same block as a T--word.


The value entered with the L--word is used to program the value of the expected
tool life for that tool and the following tools in the same tool group. The controls
interpretation of this is dependant on the value set with the I--word in this program
block. The value programmed with the L--word remains active for all following
tools in that group until replaced with a different L--word, or a new tool group is
programmed with a P--word.

All of the tools should then be programmed for that group in individual
blocks. When all of the tools for that group have been entered change
groups by programming a different P--word in a block.